Snap chat Filters Aren't Bad

When I take pictures I refer to using my snap chat, this is because I don't have a good phone camera, and whenever I get pictures with it I don't feel like posting them not that they aren't beautiful but because they bring out every detail of my face, plus my pimples , rashes , etc what so ever I have in my face it brings them out. To avoid this I use snap chat's beauty filter which smoothens my skin and makes me look better. I also use the various filters to make my pictures look better. These features give me the confidence to post my pictures without worrying about how I look.

But using a snap chat camera I get to use my filters that don't make those thing so visible on my face. There's also something fun about playing with the different filters, it's like a virtual makeover. Plus, I can adjust the intensity of the filter to make it as subtle or dramatic as I want.

There are people I have met that don't like using snap chat. They have their reasons just like I have my own reasons for using them, and I don't think it's a bad thing to use this effect for a picture you want people to see. It doesn't necessarily change the person you are, but rather it's is a form of keeping and preserving memories. I and my close friend and even my sister use snap chat, but there was a time we used my sister's new phone camera and everything was okay with the picture.

There are a few things I like about snap chat, but it depends on what you like and what you don't like. For me, it is fun to use it, especially since it's fun. I like to take funny pictures and videos and send them to my friends. It's also a great way to keep in touch with them since I can send them messages or stories. I love using the filters and stickers to make my pictures look even better.

Could the photo of the person have deceived me?

Nah I don't think I have been deceived by a photo especially when I met the person physically, sometimes photos don't do justice to peoples appearance, even meeting them physically is better off, cause you can see the detailing of that persons face and body the picture wants to show you. Photos are just an image, they don't show any personality or character. Meeting someone in person allows you to get to know them on a deeper level and understand them better. It's a much more valuable experience than just looking at a photo.

With that being said I haven't encountered someone who doesn't look like their photo, the only thing I notice about meeting them physically is that they look more better in person than in the photo, there are some persons who don't even use filters on their photo, but they always look so good like someone I know.

Well another reason why I still choose to use my snapchat because I don't have a good camera, but if eventually I get a new phone with better picture quality then I don think I need snap chat again.

images designed on canva

Thank you for reading here
My response to hive learners prompt week 70 edition 1


There is nothing wrong with using filters and you have your reasons. It can be fun navigating through those filters and that's cool.

I don't condemn the use of it and I have been deceived by filters several times. Not humans though because I know a lot of people enhance their pictures.

My issue is white vendors who add too much filter to clothes and in the end you get disappointed when it is delivered to you.

Came in from Dreemport #dreemerforlife


I get what you mean the filters do change the colors of the product that they try to advertise.


For me, it is fun to use it

I feel like this says it all.
Snapchat is really fun to use, especially those ones that make ones face and voice look and sound funny.

It's a nice post here.


Snapchat is the most popular photo editing app currently because of its basic use and incredible results. Snapchat isn't bad at all in fact, photo filters aren't bad but when the picture is being over edited and manipulated to deceive an audience is what makes the editing process bad.


Yes when it's misleading that's when it's becomes bad to use in some cases.
Thanks for reading


I like one of the straight points you made @treasuree through your publish. Yes when we use snap chats or some filters, they tend to conceal our pimples, acne, rashes and so on. This is also what using concealer face powders does to our faces. So filtering photos is just like makeovers which we do carefully as not to over do it. Thanks for sharing @treasuree. Enjoy your evening.


Since I am not a makeup person I refer using the filter than actually applying the main make-up


I can't remember when last I have used snap chat. The app is just lying idle in my phone. My phone helps in filtering and it is for fun now and not for anything else. It's not bad using filters though but it becomes one when people abuse it, thereby going beyond what they aren't in real life.


I get your point here. It's something many have been talking about, my snapchat filter and my personal pictures isn't all altered, so I am still me.
Thanks for reading princess


I love using filters too but there are specific reasons to it like I use "vintage" if I want to make it look antique and "food" if it's really food to enhance it. With selfie, uh, just anything since I don't use make up and sure not fun of concealing so yeah, hahaha I am pretty much comfortable being barefaced.

I hope you'll have a nice phone soon and you won't be needing snap chat (I don't have anything against it), just kind of want you to enjoy something nice.☺️

Cheers to that character is not limited to photos, images indeed for with and without filter, anyone can fake something about themselves.

💛Made my way here through #dreemport. #Dreemerforlife


Thanks for stopping here,
You are that prayer I get a new phone I am saying a big amen to that. I really need it.
Though I love snap chat for a reason, I will keep using but not everytime


I think I share the same sentiments. Most times Snapchat helps to cover the lapses of our terrible phone cameras.
And again, you're right about how fun it is trying the funny filters. I believe everyone is entitled to their preferences and if that's your preference, it's alright.

