trautenberk2 days agoThank you for stopping by. No, I don't have any other coins from that series…00 00.00000000 BEE
trautenberk2 days agoThank you. My first realization of the day after waking up. I hope the rest of the day will also be full of good news. !LUV…10 10.01012415 BEE
trautenberk6 days agoI think you really enjoy working with printers. Troubleshooting, that's interesting, too. Good luck with that.…00 10.00000000 BEE
trautenberklast weekIn a world that is increasingly multi-virtual, it's nice to have something you can touch. Something that is not an image of value but a value.…20 20.00171238 BEE
trautenberklast weekLooks like they tricked you this time. They supplied you with more silver than you paid for. Is it possible to buy radioactive substances this way…00 00E-8 BEE
trautenberklast weekI am also interested in ships, but newer ones, from about 1850. But I don't have any more coins with ship…00 00E-8 BEE
trautenberklast weekI'm quite interested in ships and especially warships, but only since the mid-19th century when ironclads appeared that were no longer powered by sail. I'm never sure about the…00 00E-8 BEE