The Valet - 2022 (HULU) | Feelgood Movie



The Valet

My boyfriend asked me if I wanted to watch a movie and my answer was yes, but make it something chill and no loud action stuff because my head hurts already. He put on "The Valet", a 2022 movie by HULU and he did not disappoint! Of course, none of us had an idea what this movie was about but within the first minutes, we thought this might be a fun watch. And it was!

As you can guess, the title is about a parking valet. Antonio is the main character in this movie and although you first think he's a bit of a weirdo, this guy is truly the kindest and most heartwarming person in the movie. He works as a parking valet together with a few other Spanish guys that sometimes enjoy driving around in fancy cars from other people a bit much. I first assumed this movie must be partially about one of them driving in these expensive cars and then getting into an accident or something, you know, the obvious plot, but nothing like that happened!

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A nice story

The other main character is Olivia, a famous actress who is sleeping with a married billionaire. She's the other woman, but that doesn't mean she isn't deeply in love with him. She actually believes that at some point this guy will leave his wife for her. His wife suspects that he's having an affair and is trying to find proof by hiring someone. The funny thing is that at the same time this billionaire is also trying to fool his wife by playing a little trick of his own. His assistant gets to find a guy to play Olivia's new love so that the paparazzi will fall for the story and forget about Olivia and Vincent (the billionaire she's sleeping with). As Olivia bumps on Antonia one evening, he becomes the chosen person to play this role and is offered a lot of money to do so. Antonio isn't a greedy guy and turns down a lot of money first.

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He takes the offer

Although not completely comfortable with the role he's expected to play, he does agree with the role and names his prize for doing so. Olivia instantly plays her role well while he's very uncomfortable being surrounded by paparazzi. Olivia seems to be quite superficial and not really open to getting to know people below her "rank" as a movie star at first, but I can tell you she grew on me during the movie and I can also tell you that eventually, Antonio is able to break down her walls (unintentionally lol) and we see a totally different Olivia than we saw at the beginning of the movie. I actually started to like the person that we saw at the end, I never expected that during the first part.

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Some hardships during the movie

Of course, not everything goes smoothly and according to plan. Bumps on the road will appear during the movie regarding their deal as well as private matters. But while laughter is surrounded by some sad moments, we also see that these people came into each other's lives for a reason. As much as it seemed to be mostly about Olivia at first needing Antonio for her personal gain, later on, we will see that Olivia needed Antonio just as much as the other way around.

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If you love a feel-good movie that you can just sit and watch without having to think about complicated details but enjoy it with a bowl of popcorn to clear the mind, then I'd definitely recommend this movie! I admit, at some point, I even cried a little, totally unexpected! Are you curious about this movie after reading this review? Please do check out the trailer:

If you've seen it, let me know if you liked it or not by leaving a comment.

Thank you for reading!

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I am suppose to watch this movie today when I get back from work haha and reading your review about it has already made me anxious already to watch it. I think I will like Antonio's character because of how you said he broke Olivia's walls to change her into a better person.

I saw your post on Listnerds and enjoyed reading your review 😊. Thank you


Thanks for the suggestion! It looks really funny and something to watch without breaking any braincells. I love these easy going movies :)


That's exactly what it is, just watch and have a laugh, and I'm always very pleased myself when these come to my path :) I don't want to be picking my brain about complicated stories at this moment to be honest, just easy watch will do :) Enjoy!


I think I need to switch jobs. Never knew a valet was such a chick magnet. Thanks for the review.


I'm definitely going to watch this after reading your review. Saw it on my download site and overlooked it due to the title 😬....guess I judged it by the cover! 😂

I need a good laugh and some tears, hehe and this movie is it! Nicely done.
