Mojo's life - Our currently, our life without Mojo?


Mojo one of the last pics before adventure time.jpg
Mojo a few weeks ago

Gosh, I miss the little rascal so much!

Above one of the last pictures I took before she walked out, and didn't return home yet. I would need to check how long she's been out now but it feels like weeks have passed while I'm pretty sure it can't be more than 1,5-2 weeks. I just miss her so much, my little furry friend. So a lot as happened, and I figured because a bunch of people are asking updates and hoping she returns safely soon, that I should write a post about the current status.

Trapped down 10 meters deep

Last time I mentioned (and showed pics) of the place she got stuck, while clearly in good health as soon as we brought water and some food, and started playing almost instantly after, I was at least very relieved she was not showing any major injuries from above. I mean, it's still hard to see from that scary metal bridge where we had to lean forward over the edge to see if we saw anything furry. I had to pass on this task to my boyfriend after a few times because I got extremely dizzy on that bridge (and I still don't trust it to be safe).

Rescue mission

My hero, my boyfriend has been a true champ going there three times a day (at least) with the carrier and a rope getting it all the way down to lure her in and hoping to be able to lift her up. She went in quite a few times in total, only to get spooked as soon as the carrier moved and was lifted up. He was close a few times, but the little rascal felt playtime wasn't over yet.
He went above and beyond to modify the carrier with a door that closed but she managed to pull out some food while stretching her way to the back and then walking back out easily. (Djeez, gotta love a rebel, lol)

Meanwhile, asking around for a cage

I already mentioned that the vet was fast connecting me with someone with a cage, only this person never responded anymore. At the same time, I got replies on where I put up a post asking for someone in the area with a cage and not long after I got connected with someone, knowing someone that lived closer than herself (she didn't have a car and it was too far by bus), so I'm very happy I asked there. I was supposed to walk there and go home by taxi with the cage but the lady eventually offered to bring it here when her husband was home with his car. So kind, she doesn't even want anything for the effort so I'm going to buy something nice for her when I return it because I truly appreciate a stranger trusting me to borrow this cage without wanting anything in return. Good people!

I thought Mojo would be home that (or the next) day

To be honest, I got excited and knew this adventure was almost over. Until, it didn't. So exactly on the day that the cage was available, Mojo wasn't visible and not responding either. I have to admit, we decided to stop feeding her the evening before and only brought water so at least she'd have water and get hungry and eager to get into the cage once we got back. I guess she got a little more motivated and managed to climb all the way up instead. Ok great, so she could get out after all, it seems she was having too much fun the days before and never tried. I'm happy she can get out, of course, we expected her to be above the hill where we rescued her in the first place. Makes sense, especially because it's the first place she reaches from there.

There she is!

Even though we were mistaking another look a like for Mojo first, after a walk back, she was there indeed but she looked at us and went on with her business without even coming towards us. Damn it, that's what you get for taking in an orphan, giving her all the love you have inside, lol. My boyfriend went back with the cage but she was already hiding or gone at that time. That cage is big and heavy so not one to carry around for fun without her being near.

And she's gone again

After this moment, she has not been found anymore. I'm sure she's still around, I've also heard cat fights and have not been able to see the ones fighting. I've now created another post on to ask the people in the area to look out for her and contact me if they see her. I didn't see the cat lady that feeds them yet, but as soon as I will I will give her my number as she knows pretty well which ones are there daily and which ones are usually not there. She also knows that we rescued Mojo there so she could probably recognize her too when she sees her again as she has a more petite head than the others with that look a like.

The only positive thing

About this whole situation is that one more kitten is off the streets now. We have been discussing rescuing a second one from the same spot actually since we rescued Mojo. We went back and forward from yes to no and I think eventually, it would have meant my boyfriend preferring a young kitten instead of rescuing another one of a few months old at least. But as this blue eyed beauty was constantly staring at me (and him) when we were checking for Mojo, plus we absolutely miss the cat love in our home, he decided to rescue this last kitten from the litter last week. We assumed it would mean Mojo would be showing this little one the way soon, but the sad reality is that this one is still the only cat in the home. I'm very happy we took him in (it's a boy) and he's truly adorable, but he's not Mojo, of course.



He's been doing great and making great steps forward every day. I really hope I can soon give him something for parasites because of course are back to square one and can't pet him yet. I do see he's a lot more at ease for one that's just been inside a few days, compared to Mojo he's a lot faster to start exploring and getting closer. I even managed to activate playmode a few times which is great, that was when Mojo's turning point was there and letting us closer every day.
I wish for them to be great friends, I truly hope she returns to us rather sooner than later. They were in the same place at the time we rescued Mojo, only this one was still a tiny kitten then. I don't know if they recognize each other, probably not.

That's it for my update now, soon we'll be doing another round and walk a little further as well. Thanks for the good vibes and well wishes for Mojo to return. I'm sure it will help eventually :) (when she's done playing haha).


Hey dear, I'm sorry to read about your cat! It seems Mojo is doing well out there, but I can totally understand your sadness. I hope she's coming back eventually, she seems to have had a great home full of love with you <3
I wish you all the best with the little newcomer!


Yes, at least she's not hurt as that would have made it even worse. We had a cat in heat in Holland that managed her way out as well, was gone for weeks and then someone nearby called that she was stuck in a building nearby. I know they can stay away weeks but of course, I rather have her at home. She was supposed to be helped yesterday, her timing is impeccable xD

Thank you, the little one is doing well and seems to adjust to being inside with Hoomans by the day. Yesterday he had a lot of playtime so that's a good sign.

Hope you're well!



OMG I forgot how much trouble cats could get you into...sorry and good luck with NEO 3.0


For real! Trouble makers. But, I adore them and to be honest, I really really really missed having a cat all the time in Budapest. We aren't 100% sure about the name yet, but I believe in giving them all a new name, although the bf has been calling Mojo Neyo a lot haha. Now of course, the Mojo's come out regularly. I hope she returns though, truly miss her, I thought we had a connection, lol. I know where I stand now :)


Hi, @thisismylife - I'm sorry Mojo didn't want to come home. She must be drawn to something outside. Maybe a boyfriend cat or just friend cats? I hope she comes home soon to be with you, family and this little one.
Have a nice day and evening.
Barb 😊
