Gratitude - Coffee With A View


Breakfast on the balcony

For some this may be a normal thing, having a cup of coffee or breakfast in the garden or on the balcony. For us though, it was far from the normal thing. We moved from Budapest to Spain having no outside space whatsoever. The best thing we could do is open our window, right next to a public stairs, usually filled with youth who were smoking in front of our windows and being loud most days. Being non-smokers this was even worse as it meant that I could not even get fresh air in just a little bit when I wanted to, it all depended on if these youngsters were chilling on their favourite chill spot or not. I absolutely started to hate living there over time and my goal was to get us out before winter. Yet, the search turned out to be very hard and even felt like mission impossible for a while. So I let it go.

A blessing in disguise

When the universe throws you lemons, you should make lemonade. And so I did, I turned the whole no-water situation around by pushing myself to find another home before the water supply would be installed. It drove me mad to go through thousands of listings (often the same repeated ones, sigh) and barely hear back. The one shot we had was just not a smart move, just two bedrooms and very remote, like a ghost town. For a week or so, I wondered if we did the right thing rejecting it as at least that space had a big balcony. But an empty pool and just 8 families living there out of the 80 homes. It just didn't feel good.

The one!

And then the one appeared, not in the area we were looking for, no, this one was just a few minutes from our old home but a HUGE upgrade. I already saw myself sitting on that balcony from the moment I saw the listing. And that's what happened. The very first morning, we had to drink our coffee on the balcony.


Coffee with a view, what's not to love? Every day when I open the blinds, I take in the view, even if it's a stormy day, the view is still amazing honestly. When I return from bringing the little one to school, I have a coffee on the balcony and later a sandwich for lunch. It's honestly such a small and normal thing that we often take for granted. Having to miss that simplicity for so long means I'm extremely grateful for having this myself now.

Everyone is happy here

Of course, I also had to share the cuties who obviously had a bit of a struggle the first day of the move because suddenly, the home was filled with boxes and they saw everything disappear. We took them with us the first night and kept on going back and forward the rest of the days so they could get used to the home. Maesi is curious and constantly wants to check the balcony, which she can when we're there, while Luna is a bit more cautious (thankfully). We are teaching them they can look but not climb. It's a bit scary but I remember growing up on a high floor that many neighbours had cats and they all learned not to climb.


Today is day three where the kittens have finally let me sleep without using the bedroom as a playground until 2 or 3 AM first. Happiness all over, lol.


I'm so grateful that even the little coffee moments and taking a 5 minute break are now a few minutes where you can truly calm down the mind and even meditate for a bit because this is what such a view does. It relaxes the mind and I'm so grateful for the right home being there at the exact right time. Once again, things worked out exactly as they should, and just in time as the evening of terminating the contract, we received water again. Thanks universe!

Here's to many more coffees with a view!


Thank you for stopping by. See you again soon:)

The Coolest.gif


Good to be back, not full force yet as I'm still not really done moving but taking it one day at a time :) See you soon!


That balcony view! It's definitely something to be grateful for.
Having coffee every morning with that view is 👌


It is! We both said before we moved in that this will be such a game changer when you're stressed or just need a minute to relax. Sitting inside a dark apartment with little to no light (during winter especially) is really not great for the mood. Especially not with no air flow through the house. We have both here, and yes, it will also mean in summer it's going to be bloody hot, lol. At least we can open all windows to get out some heat as well.

I'll take it any day over the other apartment, gratitude all over :)

How are you doing? Hope you're good!


Yes, all good! Thanks!

A home without a window is, err, not homey at all. Glad you're out of that. Nothing beats being able to open the window wide to let sunshine and fresh air in! <3 ... and your cattos are also having a blast now. Yay!


It's awesome that you found somewhere to stay during repairs that offered you some serenity! A great view for meals and coffee is a wonderful blessing for sure. 😁☕️ Your cats are adorable too!


Honestly, the stress was worth it, as we will have many more days of happiness and gratitude here than days of stress, lol. Moving just sucks imo, always, some moves are worse than others, at least this one was worth it.

They are, but they grow so fast, it's insane!

Maesi day one when we fostered here, look how tiny!

And Luna a few days before she came to us, my gosh look at how tiny!

Them last week in the old home so you can see HOW big they are now lol



Moving really is like pulling teeth, it makes me hold on to my minimalist principles tighter. 😂 Hopefully you don't have to again for a long long while; it's awesome to have a space that inspires you!

Those. Kitten. Pictures!! Oh my gosh, it's so cute to see them tiny, then snuggled up like that. Thanks for sharing those snaps with me! 😻


Excellent post and very good the way you tell your experiences. The pet thing is very cute and says a lot about your personality.
As for the coffee and the snack it is an invitation to eat it. Thank you for sharing this wonder. Happy journey. Cheers and greetings.


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Hello @thisismylife
It's nice to see you, and your life seems back on track with some lovely kitties.
I'm happy that you no longer have to endure drinking your coffee with smoking youths around.
I trust you've been enjoying the change of season, and hopefully, it will be a mild winter with lots of coffee.
Thanks for stopping by, as always:)))
Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg


Hi @millycf1976!

Nice to see you again :)

You can't even believe how glad I am that we can now just open the windows when we want to without having to smell the cigarette smoke as well as loud groups of youth straight next to our windows. Having a little outside space seems like a normal thing for most but for us it became a luxury while living there.

At least it made me appreciate any tiny outside space a lot more!

The winter will be different here than the other home, I'm sure as we now live on a high floor (as you can see in the pictures) while we were kind of built into the hill in the other home. The storms last week were very inconvenient as our gas flame of the heater kept blowing out, lol. That meant: no hot water (imagine that after 3 weeks without any water at home). It will be fixed though, just some minor inconveniences as you have with every move.

Did you have any storms over there in the UK last week?

I will drink loads of coffee on that balcony, and every day there are several moments of gratitude, so it's good for the mindset for sure.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you're well!



Yes, we had the storms and I just got back from a walk and noticed that a section of the woods is cordoned off because of damaged trees.

We're still having light rain daily, but it's mild enough that we could go out without winter coat, which is awesome:)


I can already see just how breathtaking the view is. And I'm incredibly happy for you friend. Can't imagine how it would've been living in those conditions. Glad everything is alright now. And your cats are absolutely adorable. Lots of love.🌺


Ah thank you that's so sweet, but I'm well aware that there are tons of people living in much worse conditions! At least we had the ability to shower at the landlord's other apartment even though it was not convenient after a week, at least we had the option. In the end, it was also a good lesson not to trust any owner with the contract on their name, just make sure to transfer it to the own name to avoid this. At least then you know it's paid in time.

Thank you, the cats are cute indeed haha. Have a lovely day, dear!


Amazing view, goals I share and working towards! stuck in that bedroom in an apartment in a city... can't wait to escape !PIMP

Posted via


Ah I can relate, our previous home was not much better, although it wasn't in the city, we lived far uphill (messed up my knee badly while not having a car 9 months) and without much sunlight. It can get depressing really fast.

I hope you can escape that city apartment really soon! Honestly, I'd have settled for any good apartment even without a view, this was just a bonus that came with the apartment. The few musts were 3 bedrooms and a garage so our car stays ok.. just in time too as there were 2 storms last week, haha.

Keep on pimping!


I loved the photo of the kittens, they look very cute. Moving processes are always complicated, from changing everything to getting used to the new house. At least they had coffee to pass the moment.

Thanks for sharing the experience.☕

Good day.


What an excellent view you have, I would love to get up and have a nice coffee on that balcony. I think it would be wonderful. Excellent post. Greetings!


A coffee and an excellent view is the ideal complement to have peace and tranquility. It's good that you found that place @thisismylife
