Thiago Okazuka


Professional photographer from Brazil, grow up in Japan and now on the road hunting good waves world wide

Jasper Dick


South Africa. Renewable Energy Development. Husband and new father! Singer/songwriter + guitar, surfing, martial arts + self defense, politics


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Wagner Tamanaha


Mais uma rede social online? Prefiro minha parte em dinheiro, aceito criptomoedas :-)


0.01383012 BEE

Precious Plastic ES


💡 Parte da Precious Plastic. Nossa missão é enfrentar o problema dos resíduos plásticos por meio da upcycling ♻️️ Transformamos o plástico pós consumo em produtos mais duráveis e preciosos. 🌎 A Sustentabilidade e a Educação Ambiental são os principais pilares da Precious Plastic ES, que visa transformar a percepção das pessoas a respeito do descartável. English: 💡Part of Precious Plastic. Only 1% of plastic in Brazil is recycled, most of it ends up in dumps, in the environment and oceans causing a series of socio-environmental and economic impacts. Our mission is to tackle the problem of plastic waste through upcycling ♻️ We transform post-consumer plastic into more durable and precious products. 🌎 Sustainability and Environmental Education are the main pillars of Precious Plastic ES, which aims to transform people's perception of disposable.


0.00005444 BEE

Q Move Movimentando sua Marca


AgĂŞncia de Publicidade



Lucas Rocha


Bodyboarder, Official IBC Bodyboard World Tour commentator, rider at NXF Slab and Community Builder at C/Surfhive.
