Thinking aback at the very first announcement of the Covid 19 cases upsurge in china and how it spread throughout the world with Countries shutting down their borders from travelers and tourist as we were made to believe that that was the was the virus was spreading so quick.

an entire year passed and some countries started to gradually open up their borders after the introduction of the covid vaccines with different types of companies coming up with theirs. But one thing that leaves me astonished is that all this while when there was no vaccine we didn't hear of any new strain of covid but suddenly with the introduction of the vaccines we already have the fourth variant of covid.
permit me to digress a little bit, have you ever wondered why the world powers are hell bent on making the vaccine compulsory or why they wan citizens to go about with a vaccination card or even have a passport with a vaccination status? personally i think it is because the covid 19 was a deliberate tool to control the population and activities of the world. only that China was complacent in this matter, i mean someone has to take the fall for it. The world moved from gorilla warfare to psychological warfare and when they see people no longer in in fear it became biological warfare.
If you think my ascertation is wrong, answer this question. How come the country where the virus originated from is doing pretty well with less cases and more recoveries than countries it was imported to. Wuhan is experiencing more cases nor new strains but other countries are?

Having a discussion with a doctor and a virologist on the discovery of the new strains of covid from Delta to Omicron and what was noted is that viruses can die a natural death just like the case of the spanish flu which ravaged the world sometimes back and up till date there was no cure but somehow the human body adapted and became immune to it and the virus vanished . But something spectacular with the Covid 19 is that the more vaccines available the more variant we discover, could it be that the vaccines accelerate the mutation processes of the virus as virus themselves are made of virus in less potent ways. BUt this does not eradicate the existence of the virus in ones body, it only suppresses it and the virus begins to mutate and study your immune system until it's able to gather enough morale to reattack because by this time it'd have mutated and it becomes a new type of virus.
The world power calling Omicron an African Virus this time around further proves that the racism and hatred for the black folks is very much in full effect and it'll be safe to say that they are victims of targeted biological genocide only that the virus doesn't affect them as much as the white folks thus the hatred.

Well well the blacks aren't the cause of the world problem neither are they vermin, they are humans and just plagued with bad leadership and not viruses. going by the statistics of the world, the blacks have proven to be much more intelligent and have a lot more to offer the world.


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thanks @lovesniper, i'd definitely go through the resources you've posted and i hope to have a swell time on this blockchain. cheers


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Thanks, I’m a lover of travel and travel logs and i love seeing new places and experiencing new cultures directly or through the lens of others. I’d definite check it out
