#53 The Lord of Lore....A Splinterlands' Podcast

Greetings, Splinterlands!

Calling all lore fans, calling all lore fans!

This week, we have Splinterlands' Narrative Lead, 'The Lord of Lore', aka Breakingbenjamin, joining us at The People's Guild.

Writer of many of the recent Splinterlands' lore, including Arkemis and Runi, BB, is also known as Joseph John, best selling science fiction writer.

We kicked off the podcast talking about his love of books from an early age, and how is mom would read him the classic series, Golden Books. It definitely made me reminisce about my own childhood too. Some of my earliest memories are of my father regaling my brother and I with stories of Mickey, an Irish soldier fighting for the British Army during the second world war.

It got us chatting about the importance of storytelling. BB, told us how he and his wife started reading stories to their daughter after she was only a few weeks old. My wife and I have done the same with our child since he was 2 months old. Every night, before he goes to Never Never Land, we read him a story.

I do the same for my students at every opportunity and it's one of my favorite times of the day. The kids laugh, scream, and clap along. For them, the words jump off the page and the pictures come to life. They are captivated, and I recommend it to any parent or teacher. No, I insist on it! Take the time to read to your child, children or students. They will remember story time forever, and be eternally grateful. Story time is a magical time indeed!

So, as I was saying, 'The Lord of Lore' came for a visit, and boy did he drop some nuggets. The lore for each character are wonderful yarns, but also, they are going to be integral to game play
as we move forward.

All we can say is, don't sleep on the lore! And don't miss this episode!


The People's Guild

Everyone's Welcome & The Dues Are Free

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Welcome to the People's Guild

We are @thewascalwabbits & @bjangles and we're pleased to present to you another episode of the People's Guild: A Splinterlands Podcast

We are always looking to hear personal journeys through Splinterlands. If you'd be keen to hop on the show and share yours with us, drop us a line and we'd love to have you on! Leave us a comment below or reach out to us via Twitter.

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