GER :Eine relative Geschichte der Wahrnehmung (...die zählt.) von @jnmarteau @marteau netwerk. / EN: A relative story of perception (...that matters.) by @jn...
Explore unique and amazing experiences around Hive. HiveAgency is the first Travel & Talent Management Agency based on the Hive Blockchain. HiveAgency aims to offer help such as free services to Hive Meetup Organizers and Participatory Projects as well as to promote travels and experiences based on the participatory platform.
0.00000688 BEE
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0.00000000 BEE
Jn @marteau
Does not fight. Not with vulnerable people, not with unarmed civilians, not with any human being. — Meditating @thechamber. Gardening @thetemple. — Working with Law Enforcement Ordrer @psyops - Management of @globalschool @universities @gov-as-a-service @rgpd @interoperability @frameworks @ideamachine — Also @hivebookme @hiveagency @hiveembassy ++
2.12601072 BEE
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0.00015167 BEE
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - hypnose conversationnelle. Au service des professionnels de la relation d'aide depuis 1987
0.00453249 BEE
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0.00000032 BEE