g-AI-a = forest+nanotech = GAME OVER
Chris Smith
Father of 5, Crypto Enthusiast, NFT Enthusiast, Splinterlands Fanatic, SBT Founder. I also enjoy music, skateboarding, and imagining long walks on the beach.
9.06915975 BEE
Vote Value
0.00066495 BEE
The Official DM
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Are you living by design or by default? Be the author of your own story.
0.00427389 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000031 BEE
<3 Im Garten des Königs. ☙"Ertragen muss man, was der Himmel sendet; Unbilliges erträgt kein edles Herz." ❧ - Friedrich Schiller.
13.20518757 BEE
Vote Value
0.00096820 BEE
«follow the blue.rabbit» for art, photography, philosophy and a new community of constructiveness and new positive ideas to create a different world
0.57437512 BEE
Vote Value
0.00004211 BEE
I can’t deny that I made a lot of mistakes when I was younger. Now i'm older, and I can make different, yet more severe mistakes!
Vote Value
0.00000000 BEE