If you don't ask, you don't get

Hello Hello Silver Bloggers and indeed all Hivians

You know the older get we get, in theory the wiser we become. I am not so sure it is wise or just we learn what works and what doesn't!

I will take the win as someone called me a Wise Old Wizard

To quote a wonderful Scots phrase....

I cannae bide with greeters

Some great Scots words in there....

Basically it means I cant stand moaners. Literally bide means to live with. Greeters are moaners or cry babies, greet is cry.

I am a positive person and what winds me up is all the negativity from moaners...

There is someone at Mrs T's work who is a fluffing nightmare.

She constantly moans about the most stupid things...

Holidays .... take holidays .... she moans about people going on holiday!

One day last week the moaner (althought greeter really is more apt for her) was moaning that so and so was on holiday, but she (the moaner) had to this and that and should have had a holiday.

Fed up Mrs T says to the moaner ....

"So did you ask for the day off?"

Moaner reples "No"

Mrs T "Well why the fluff are you moaning about Tracey having the day off for fluffs sake!"

So it all comes down to ... If you don't ask, you don't get!

So stop moaning about people who ask.

It is like the moaners about people winning the lottery .. jealous af they are ....

Me "How many lottery tickets did you buy for the draw?"

Them "None"

Me "You fluffing tube, quit your greetin, you gotta be init to winit!

Them "Fluff off!"

Yes you have to be in it to win it.

Mind you I am sure the bawbags will find something else to moan at!

What inspired this wee rant

Sewing machines....


Sewing machines.

Cinderfella was back in action last week. Mrs T had been harping on about wanting a sewing machine for fluffing ages.

But the new ones look so naff and plasticy etc

Sewing machines are also something I think that connects us to our mothers and grandmothers and even great grandmothers.

Well unbeknown to me she had been keeping an eye on Gumtree and found a guy who repairs and sells them. So just before we went off on holiday she tells me that this guy has one and could she get it.

She says he is Kirkcaldy which is fine as I didn't want to traipse halfway round the countryside to get it. I message him etc and find out where it is. Too far to walk as near the Fife retail park but yes easy enough to get if I took a couple of buses.

I get there and he is a really nice old cahp, used to work for Singer and he let me makea video of him demoing the machine.

Needless to say I bought it and took it home.

I had to goto Amazon to get the folding table as she had nowhere suitable to put it!

Women, you always get your way .... I don't care what you say ....

I started writing this on Sunday afternoon and today well now is Monday evening at 10.30 pm and have completely forgotten the whole point of this strory/post!

Welcome to my world....

Speaking of worlds, the world works in mysterious ways. As I was writing this, I got a notification pop up on my laptop that I had an email. So off I go and check it, because it was from ebay.

For those of you unfamiliar ebay is a huge auction place that Mrs T uses.
I get into my inbox and aha the light bulb came back on!

Now I knew why I was writing this post....

It was the title ....

If you don't ask, you don't get

I remembered that earlier on Sunday Mrs T got an email from a seller saying that he had lowered the price of an item that she was watching.

Now ever the guilty shopper, she was umming and aahing about it. His offer was down to £15.99.

She then said she was cheeky and sent an offer back for £15.

The item, can you guess what it is to do with?

Yes of course an attachment for her new (older than me) sewing machine!

Now here is some Monday positivity for people to follow ...

Celebrate the small wins ... it makes life fun!

No sooner than she submitted her counteroffer then

Your offer was accepted!

She asked and she got!

She also asked me if the sewing machine seller had an attachement. He answered me today saying he had a zigzag attachment including instruction leaflet for £3.

So sometime Cinderfella will be going back up those necks of the woods to the retail park and bring back that origianl attachement....

Fun fact about Singer....

Isaac Singer in 1851 founded the Singer Corporation and he was full of ideas. One awesome idea was for his sewing machine to be available to the amsses.

He did this by making it payable via installments, or hire purchase we in the UK call it... Yep he founded that!

Fun fact about the sweing machine in the picture...

Do you know Singer sewing machines like this have a serial number which is traceable on their database!


Guess the year of manufacturer of Mrs T's new sewing machine that is older than me! A wee prize for any right comments....

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of July!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo. Photos taken with my smartphone.
@tengolotodo 1st July 2024


Haste Ye Back! (June 9 Premium 5 VR)

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.24016630 BEE

Ahhh, sewing machine! What Mrs T is thinking to make then?

0.01138248 BEE

I don't know to be honest what cunning plan Mrs T has🤣

0E-8 BEE

And she got what she wants! Mrs T is a happy woman😉 The machine is a beauty. It must have been made in the 1950s.

0.01128147 BEE

Yeah the machine is really cool the 50's yes .... Now go guess a year CJ?

0E-8 BEE

Hmmm, 1956? 😁

0E-8 BEE

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Curated by grindan

0.01098413 BEE

Thank you so much @grindan and @hive-up for the support, it's very much appreciated.

0.00017310 BEE

Our pleasure Ed! It was wonderful to read this rant- it's so true that closed mouths don't get fed, and there is little value in griping when we have not taken the time to shoot our shot!

I also whole heartedly agree that sewing unites us with generations of women before us in a glorious way— how flipping cool that you two could bag this gem for your wife for only 15 euro! What a cool grab, ebay is that jam hehe 😎

0E-8 BEE

1829… 👀

What a WOW you are. Whoever that person hit the mail on the head. Am I a moaner?

So Cinderfluffingfella

0.01095415 BEE

1829… 👀

hehe newer than that!

Am I a moaner?

Not a greeter in that sense...

0E-8 BEE

I am glad your wife asked and you made sure she received it. I learned how to sew on a machine that was older than our ages combined, when I was a child we did not have electricity and my mom had a peddle machine, It was an easy machine to sew with and you got a workout.

0.01066599 BEE

Oh yes my grandmother had a proper peddle machine, and a lovely old sewing/spinning wheel too. Do you still sew?

0E-8 BEE

I do not sew anymore unless I have to mend something.

0E-8 BEE

We used to have one with that spider logo manual sewing machine and learned from it then I got my first Singer Zigzagger way back 1981. I was overwhelmed! That was the last model with steel bobbins. Now they have hard plastic spare parts. I will never trade mine over the new ones!
Indeed, Mrs. T's moaning was effective after all. Lol! A good husband you are!

0.01073158 BEE

Don't you just love metal/steel over plastic! Well I must admit she has been wanting one for quite some time, so I could not really day no 🤣

0E-8 BEE

Yeah, the new models are not lasting. I have an old model (Brothers) which was bought by my husband when they were on anchorage and there were sellers of old items around. He immediately bought that machine. He said that I'd be happy with it. His friends even told him to buy a new one instead but he insisted that it's a good one and that I will be happy with it. Indeed, I was overwhelmed!

0E-8 BEE

We also have one here😛. Let me guess it was somewhere in 1960s. 😌

0.01055983 BEE

hehe even earlier 🤣

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Old Singer machines sure sang in many a home, workhorse believe me when they seldom broke down. This one has electricity connect not as old as the earlier years with foot pedal power !LOLZ

0.01062618 BEE

Yes an electric pedal this one. I do remember my grandmother did had one that was a true big foot pedal. But yes workhorses they were.

0E-8 BEE

My Mom's Singer the pedal was put to exceptionally good use, she did enjoy my electric Empisal Protea Elite in small carry case I purchased years ago second hand, seldom use nowadays....

0E-8 BEE

Hi @tengolotodo,
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0.00533444 BEE

Thank you so much for the support, it's very much appreciated.

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I think there are some people who are just unhappy no matter what. They need to complain to stay alive. It's almost like breathing to them!

0E-8 BEE

Isaac Singer in 1851 founded the Singer Corporation and he was full of ideas., Ah! Never knew that.
It's a wonderful thing that Mrs T has passion for sewing. You know this is part of my daily business. I know you are hearings for the first time, I do have a fashion hub. It would have been nice learning extra skills from Mrs T, the sewing fun never ends

0E-8 BEE