It is great to see such demand for H the H , very heartening to see such high bids !, of course the price will tail off from the early highs, but I have a feeling there is plenty…
I'm at 13 Wind Turbines, my dCity name is Slibh. Your SIM power is great, I'm trying to pause buyingstuff ( so hard not to at times )and build up my SIM to get to 1 million, I'm…
I picked up 3 more Wind Turbines , bring me to 13 now, but I overshot a little and now need two more workers. I bought a couple of Priests as they were the cheapest ASK and they…
Have you looked into DRIP, a nice project that pay liquid Hive and liquid Drip when you stake DRIP. They also have a Liquidity pool with , making it easy and quick to convert in…
I've recently discovered Kettlebells, As a life long lifter of "normal weights" I found the kettlebells a bit odd at first, but man!, I love them now, the dynamic and functional…