When weekend sucks with heavy traffic


Weekends are always great for taking a break from the stress of work. But the weekend in the comfortable season, when the hot summer sun and the cold northern air come in, is better than those lonely winter weekends of the winter period! After getting warmer at the beginning of April, the temperature started increasing, and in May, the temperature touched around 30 degrees some days while the average was around 25 degrees centigrade. Now, the temperature has crossed the 30-degree range, with much longer days, up to 7:30/8:00 pm. So, I am trying to utilize my each weekend to do some outdoor activities or visit some places to explore something new.

There are so many things to do, so many places to explore, and so many activities to make my body fit, and so I see new leaves and flowers on trees around the areas I go to visit. The colorful flowers on the trees do make the season more beautiful. Nature is filling up the emptiness of the winter without the green leaves and flowers that are seen everywhere nowadays. The visibility is good enough for long-distance view but often it becomes unhealthy, and the air quality is better than in the winter. And now it is the best time to go to beautiful places where leisure time can be spent properly.

As a travel-loving person, I always try to find new places to visit, and thus I came to know about the 798 art district area of the Beijing city. And I had a long plan to explore the area. Today was the day! I was finally going to visit the 798 Art District, which is in the middle of Beijingcity area, slightly eastern-nortehrn area of the Beijing. After taking my launch from my institute canteen, at 12:45 p.m., I was already waiting for the bus at the crowds feeling bored and getting late. It started the long waiting time, then my trip starts but this was just the beginning of a day full of surprises.

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All the surprises were with the excessive waiting time for the traffic during my travel as I need to change the bus twice inside the city area. And the collenge entrance exam make the situation worse in mnay parts of the city today. So, I needed to shorten my whole trip today though the shortening would be the same if the situation was normal as my interest was not so high for the arts.

I feel more excited with the natural destination that make my heart feel more relaxing and soothing with more pure form of oxygen. Usually to the city center my preferred but needs around 1 hour to reach. The trip to 798 taught me how to be patient today after a long time while I used to suffer from the long-lasting hours in the streets of Dhaka and today I get in the Beijing road. The clock showed a sad timing at 2:50 pm by the time I finally got off the bus and started walking towards the art exhibition area.

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The city area in this area looks awesome with less traffic!

The first area I discovered the huge red-brick buildings, which were left over from an earlier industrial age which now home to an amazing environment of art cultures on the streets in this area. I have visited several areas and didn't visit some areas which are restricted and need a separate exhibition.




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I wanted to finish my visit as the traffic could make my returning suffering. I took a quick look at places that caught my eye instantly. Some charged a small fee to get in, while others let me look around for free. It was different in each room, with different kinds of art. But it was a matter of sorrow that I couldn't find their meaning and traditional impact for not being a inexperienced person regarding the art culture.

Another reason behind the heavy traffic I learned is the college entrance exams for the students. It was also significant that tests need to spread out over three very long shifts. The city was already very busy, and now there were even more stressed-out students and their families coming through. And now there will be the Dragon Boat Festival coming up, which means there will be terrible traffic during these three days.

To be honest, I'm not very good at exploring these abstract arts. I'm more interested in the soothing hug of nature than in such an imaginary world of creativity. But I couldn't help but enjoy the district's raw energy and artistic spirit, even though I was short on time and a little overloaded with information.







After enjoying the art district I came back to my home district Huairou, and two of my colleagues planned taking dinner outside, so I agree with them for dinner to a Chongqing style paper raped fish which is one of my favorites.

After our dinner, we went to a nearby super shop to buy some necessary things. I have bought some chicken, ice cream, milk, fruits, and some tools. The most astonishing fact that toady I bought a pack of milk that cost 23 RMB which is more than double of many more comparable product.


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I hope you like my tour of such a fantastic place with great exploration. It was amazing to have such tours to a fantastic place like this, with the discovery of beauty to enjoy and lose myself away from my busy life! If you have any queries, let me know in the comments, and I will try my best to answer them.

Thanks a lot for your time and attention. I will catch up with you at the next one.
Wish you a great day!


MD AL MAHADI HASAN Welcome to Mahadi's small corner in the Hive Community from Bangladesh. He is a Ph.D. student who is working at a research Institute in China. He has visited many destinations near Beijing, climbed up the Great Wall and mountains, tried new and exotic dishes here, tried skiing and many other events, and explored his country and wants to explore the rest of the world in the future. As a crypto enthusiast, he has the hobby of learning about Blockchains, Cryptos, and their fascinating applications in the real world. He loves learning new things and tries to enjoy his life to the full. If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love for him as a learner in the blogging sphere. You can also reblog his post if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated on his latest posts about his life and thoughts on a regular basis, including daily life and some Blockchain games such as Splinterlands.


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It’s good that you’re having an amazing weekend
I love how you love to go out to explore but it is usually expensive here and that’s why I don’t really go out that much
Nice pictures though


As a student, it is expensive here to go for long tours, I usually set out in the early morning to use public transport that costs less than a dollar for about 70/80 km, and then return to my dormitory as staying in hotels is the most expensive if you think about the bigger city like Beijing where I live. So, I just put a little bit of pressure on the public transport which isn't working properly like today! Just for meals, the cost is not too much if I avoid the fancy restaurants; the international chains like KFC, Mcdonalds, and Burger King are much more flexible to depend here. But for next October, I am planning a couple of days of tour outside of Beijing as I am going to visit my family in July-August.
There are many ways to travel at a low-cost, but I need to make a proper plan like I have visited two days with a single-night hotel stay with night time traveled several times I can save a lot of funds for my next trip, making more budget-friendly trips.
Thanks for your time. Have a great weekend!


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assalam allaykum! @tanzil2024 !
Dear Hassan!
I enjoy seeing China's big cities!
I enjoy seeing different people's lives!😃

After enjoying the art district I came back to my home district Huairou, and two of my colleagues planned taking dinner outside, so I agree with them for dinner to a Chongqing style paper raped fish which is one of my favorites.

After our dinner, we went to a nearby super shop to buy some necessary things. I have bought some chicken, ice cream, milk, fruits, and some tools. The most astonishing fact that toady I bought a pack of milk that cost 23 RMB which is more than double of many more comparable product.

I think milk is expensive in China.
Where I live, milk costs about US$2.

I wonder what kind of art Bangladeshis create and enjoy!


The traditional Chinese paintings you saw are called Ink wash painting (simplified Chinese: 水墨画; traditional Chinese: 水墨畫; pinyin: shuǐmòhuà).

Ink wash painting (simplified Chinese: 水墨画; traditional Chinese: 水墨畫; pinyin: shuǐmòhuà) is the most famous painting style in all of East Asia. How did you feel when you saw that?

I am curious about the Chongqing style paper raped fish you will eat!😃


Yeah, this version of the milk is much more expensive but there are a lot cheaper version also, I just want to feel what is the difference!
I have very poor knowledge on art, sometimes I enjoy it with some unbelievable drawing with hands, that really amaze. From my student life, my drawings were devastating, so I really amazes when I saw some drawinga from the another world. And that's why sometimes I also explore some exhibition in many touria spots.



I love Qajar Art!
East Asian men enjoy paintings of Iranian Aryan beauties.
I wonder if there is such art in Bangladesh!

I’m also curious about the pictures you drew!


May be I will later introduce some interesing arts of Bangladesh that I have experienced.


It seemed you did not get to Saveur the experience fully.
Traffic can be very frustrating, but you can understand why it was so the day you went there. Maybe you could go some other time when the city isn't so busy, so you take your time to explore the art facility and learn the meaning of some of the works.

I don't know so much about art, but I'm looking to learn. Might be visiting an art museum soon.

You do lots of exploration, I see. I'd stick around here so I get to join you virtually since I can not afford to do so at the moment. How about that?


Yeah, it waa difficult to manage time as my living area is aeound 50 km from the location, I needed to return earlier to get the long-distance buses, otherwise I nee to take taxi that costa a lot for me.
Yeah, I will revisit in normal days, and explore those attractions.
I try to spend my weekends in exploration the beautiful and hiatorical places around my radar, I love travelling. You are cordially welvomed in my world of exploration virtually, I hope you will love them. BTW, you can check some of my old travel storie with many stunning shots!
Thanks for your time to read and interest to my travel stories. Have a great weekend!


Congratulations @tanzil2024! You received the biggest smile and some love from TravelFeed! Keep up the amazing blog. 😍 Your post was also chosen as top pick of the day and is now featured on the TravelFeed front page.

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@invisusmundi (TravelFeed team)

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Thanks for the support and recognizing my work!


Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in Asian continent, maybe the world. The 798 Art District also looks great, you must have had a lot of fun taking this particular tour through the city. Thanks for telling us about, with the pictures. I wish you a happy weekend.


Indeed, it is beautiful and established with proper planning and everything is maintained thorough as much as possible. I will visit the area with more time in future. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!


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