My Goals of Bringing Openness, Growth, and Happiness to Bangladeshi


The nature power is very complex and the whole world is just running after power. The powerful want to have an insane level of power to dominate over all; not only on a local basis but it is true for the whole world. I think the research and efforts with the immense level of costs spent only for the weapons can bring a much more advanced level of revolution in the health sector and the whole world can be deprived of the modern world's curse of poverty, especially in the African countries. At this point, I remember the saying from Mahatma Gandhi that ''The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.''

It would be a dream and a great pleasure to have been chosen as Prime Minister of Bangladesh, a country in South Asia with about 180 million people. Also currently the political situation is not stable here and a very weak democracy exists in the current days. The Bangladesh Awami League has been in power for the last 16 years and has been announced and criticized for being authoritarian and for allegedly rigging elections in the last three elections in 2013 (no opposition- 154/300 elected before the vote!), 2018 (night-time vote) and the recent 2024 (no opposition). There has been a lack of democratic processes for a long time, with claims of election fraud in casting and elections held without the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), which is the biggest opposition party in the country. So everything has become very corrupted here.

So, I will change everything as soon as I take office, my government will work to solve these problems and lead Bangladesh to a future with democratic ideals, stable economies, and social progress with greater education and health services. Here are my plans for running the country, starting with a policy of "zero tolerance" for corruption as the main priority. I also include plans for the economy to get better and for the education and health sectors to be completely changed as a long-term goal.

No stand for corruption

Currently, Bangladesh has a great problem with corruption in the offices and other sectors. Bangladesh has had a problem with corruption for a long time, which has slowed down progress and damaged the public trust. Starting with my new government policy, my administration will have a policy of "zero tolerance" for any corruption in any sector. I will also set up a separate anti-corruption committee that will be able to look into these things and punish crooked government employees and leaders.

It will help in the restoration of public trust as I want to repair public trust in government institutions by making sure they are open and accountable to the people. Offices that aren't corrupt will work better, which will provide better service and fewer delays caused by the bribe culture that exists here now. It will also cut down on cheating and will save a lot of public money that can be used for other projects that will help the community.

There have been many claims of corruption and power abuse against the police force in Bangladesh, which is not a good thing for the country. It is a major problem in keeping the peace in the country. I will change the police services by putting in place strict control systems higher salary ranges and rewarding mechanisms as the gift of honest duty. And I will also make sure to punish the culprits and revoke their promotions.

Economic growth uplifting
Corruption kills the economy, especially for middle-class people. I want to take a much more economic development plan for the country by deploying some measures. First I will train the young generation in multiple categories such as the IT sectors, and freelancers, creating scopes for start-up projects, making them suitable for foreign companies, and providing a workforce for the countries that are lacking in manpower.

I will also punish the people behind the business syndicates inside the country as for their illicit wills, the price of common commodities soars often on a sudden basis. They stock and make fake crises in the supply that trigger the price which I will control strictly and the common people will be very satisfied with my govt. Also, I will take several strict measures to put a full stop to money laundering which is a great problem for third-world countries like Bangladesh.

Revising the Education and Health System
Another major important thing for me is the revision of the existing education and health systems. It is very important for a nation to be developed in its education and health system. And both of them should be non-profitable for a country. But it is true that both are the biggest business sectors of Bangladesh in the current situation.

I am going to take strict policy regarding this issue. Also, I will make a higher contribution to the research sectors for the future innovations and development goals of the country. I will also make more international standard hospitals with the latest treatment technologies so that people can get their treatment here which can save a great portion of foreign reserve for the country and the health system can develop faster.

In conclusion, I will make a priority list for my work and do all of these according to a long-term goal so that the next govt. can also continue the unfinished work for the greater development of the country. I hope you have understood what I want to express.

I hope you like my post on my thoughts on becoming the prime minister of my country. If you have any queries, let me know in the comments, and I will try my best to answer them. Thanks a lot for your time and attention. I will catch up with you at the next one.
Wish you a great day!


MD AL MAHADI HASAN Welcome to Mahadi's small corner in the Hive Community from Bangladesh. He is a Ph.D. student who is working at a research Institute in China. He has visited many destinations near Beijing, climbed up the Great Wall and mountains, tried new and exotic dishes here, tried skiing and many other events, and explored his country and wants to explore the rest of the world in the future. As a crypto enthusiast, he has the hobby of learning about Blockchains, Cryptos, and their fascinating applications in the real world. He loves learning new things and tries to enjoy his life to the full. If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love for him as a learner in the blogging sphere. You can also reblog his post if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated on his latest posts about his life and thoughts on a regular basis, including daily life and some Blockchain games such as Splinterlands.

0.06601654 BEE

I’m glad you’ve really got good goals as a politician. It may be a risky and challenging job but a very good one. If you pursue it, it will be a good one too…

0.00005861 BEE

It is easy to set goals but not so easy to make it work. There are so many challenges and risks as the existing parties will never let 3rd party rise massively. Thanks for your comment!

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Assalam alaykum! @tanzil2024 !
I assumed you would live your life as a genius scientist, but do you want to be the ruler of Bangladesh?
It is amazing!😲

East Asian historians like me remember that Bangladesh has been the most advanced civilization on the Indian subcontinent since ancient times!


East Asian historians like me are fascinated by the sensual and fascinating Buddhist civilizations of Bangladesh!😄


East Asian men like me are always amazed by the sensuality of Buddhist and Hindu female statues!😍

So, I am always amazed by the imagination and creativity of men of the Indian subcontinent!😄

In particular, East Asians evaluate Bangladesh as having a higher potential for development than Pakistan and India!

I think Bangladesh is a more advanced civilization than Pakistan and India since ancient times!


By the way, I wonder if a woman like this can become a movie star in Bangladesh!
I think you'll remember why East Asian men enjoy Indian movies!!😃

0.00005771 BEE

In particular, East Asians evaluate Bangladesh as having a higher potential for development than Pakistan and India!
I think Bangladesh is a more advanced civilization than Pakistan and India since ancient times!

Bengal was much bigger including 7 sisters province of India and we were much more advanced than them as our lands are the most fertile in all over South Asia!

I know you love indian beauty, then you must visit India where you can experience them practically🍌

0.00000136 BEE

I know you love indian beauty, then you must visit India where you can experience them practically🍌

Dear my bro @tanzil2024 !
I would like to go to India, but I remember that many East Asian men who visited India came because they had sexually transmitted diseases.

I believe they did so because they were fascinated by the sexual charms of the women of the Indian subcontinent!

Because I am a Christian, I value sexual purity!


So, I will enjoy the beauty of the women of the Indian subcontinent only as a work of art!😂

Don no batt!

0.00005652 BEE

Wow brother, your vision for transforming Bangladesh is inspiring. Tackling corruption and focusing on education and healthcare are very very vital steps. Wishing you all the best in making these changes a reality

0.00005634 BEE

It is ao difficult to enter into politics, but I wish if the existing leaders were honest and optimistic, then my country could be changed already! Thanks for your comment.

0E-8 BEE

It's difficult indeed dear friend I hope things go well in your nation and wishing you future success on any endeavor

0E-8 BEE


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0E-8 BEE

Keep up the good work. 👏🎵

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