Standing At A Crossroad

When we have little to no options, we sometimes wished that we had more options. We hope that we will be able to choose the right one when we have many options.

The curious thing is that we can never fully tell if we made the right choice at the time of making the perceived right choice.

Standing between crossroads, we often experience an epiphany and symphonic flavour of time in which the future and the past are somehow superimposed into the present.

With the life I've lived so far, I've been at a few crossroads and I frankly didn't do well in taking the right direction at one of them.

But thank the powers that be for their intervention because things would've turn quite fatal if they didn't intervene.

That's the wild card of life, it only takes a cosmic nod to shuffle everything altogether and bring in something entirely different.

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Is There Really A Right Direction?


I think at the basic level, the answer is a definitive yes. But there are elements of it that are usually not very clear especially in the beginning. Because on the surface level, right is a bit dynamic like the waves in the sea.

This is why after we've taken the path, we may move into a meander on the path and feel like we're going the wrong direction only to reach another meander and feel like we're going the right way. I think the reality is that it is all part of the journey.

We will necessarily not always feel like we're going the right way, even though we may have chosen the right direction. For me, the best way to discover the right direction when standing between crossroads is introspection.

Blocking out all the noise, going to the inner depths and just listen. Of course, it is a different language in this inner environment. Words are unnecessary.

Everything is known in a packed format as in a seed with no conscious logical explanation. No why, how or what.

The peculiar thing is that we reserve the right to accept or discard this inner knowing.

To a certain extent, it is the cause of believe in free will. No doubt that we will be influenced by a bunch of things.

However, making the decision rests on us. The trick is that these bunch of things work on making us make the decision unconsciously.

Truly, it's a bit of a task to reconcile all these aspects of our being.


A right direction will mean that there is a wrong direction on the other side of the spectrum. In a world of polarity, both of them are delineated with a clear line.

I see a wrong direction as going towards a path that doesn't fundamentally align with our self.

If we miss the memo of the inner knowing from Introspection. Then much later it will be clear to us with retrospection when we look back at the journey.

By then it probably would've been a bit too late to modify course but this is no cause for regret.

Because at a higher level, both right and wrong are relative.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.

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0E-8 BEE

There are options available to us in life, it could be the option to act or not act at all but we will likely never know if we have made the right move, and possibly after the move we made yielded the desired outcome.

With a bit of deliberation and our instinct, we might as well make the move anyway.

0E-8 BEE

Yes, sometimes we just have to trust that it will turn out well for us to make the move. It's only after we make the move will we have the conscious realisation of whether we achieve the desired outcome or not. I think in some cases not acting is better than acting while in some cases, acting is way better than not acting.
Thanks for stopping by :)

0E-8 BEE

looks like my alps :3

0E-8 BEE

Yes, cool view huh ;-)
Thanks for dropping by :)

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

What we are passing through sometimes is one of the factors of making either wrong or bad decision.
A teen living close to my house was pregnant for a man that had divorced his wife with 4 kids.
Due to frustration from the step mother she fall into the hand of this man with the hope that she will be free from her step mother ill-treatment.
Now she is feeling a terrible heat of her decision.
The man will always send money for his children for their upkeep, not giving the girl enough more to take care of herself and her baby.
Also her education stopped she was in s.s.s 2 when she drop out because of pregnancy.
Now she has started regretting her action.

Before taking any decision in life we should consider the merits and demerits.

0E-8 BEE

Right. The ill-treatment from her step mom is the main motivator on the decisions she has taken and now her life has gone a different direction that she didn't anticipate before hand.

Pondering the merits and demerits is very necessary before making any huge decision. I pray everything turns out well for her despite her current obstacles.
Thanks for stopping by :)

0E-8 BEE

Amen, I pray too.
You are welcome.

0E-8 BEE

There are ways but we should always try and follow up the right path
Nice write up ✍️✍️
Came from @dreemport

0E-8 BEE

Very, we should at least strive to find the right path and take that direction.
Thank you!
And thanks for dropping by from #dreemport :)

0E-8 BEE

Very Nice 👍
Welcome 😁

0E-8 BEE

At times, there are no right way, just make the right decision

0E-8 BEE

Yes, sometimes there isn't a right way. For example, picking a partner. One just has to make the decision and both hope and try that everything works out well in the end.
Thanks for stopping by :)

0E-8 BEE

You know making the right decision is always hard and it makes you nervous knowing you might be wrong even when you wish you could just know the right way. We all have our choices but it takes deep reflection and focusing more on our instincts in choosing the best for us. Above all, it is best we move into introspection. I popped in through #dreemport

0E-8 BEE

It is indeed very hard because we can never truly tell the right choice or not. And mistakes can sometimes be very costly. I think introspection is the best way to in helping us in picking the right way after we have ponder about the consequences of each direction we might take.
Thanks for popping in from #dreemport :)

0E-8 BEE

making the right move is quite difficult, making the right choice is very difficult, all in all our choices determines our circumstances

0E-8 BEE

Yes, they do. We are the sum up of all the decisions we've made. Unfortunately, we can't always choose the right choice or move. However, we can continue to try.
Thanks for stopping by :)

0E-8 BEE

life is not always a win win sometimes we got to lose thats the essence of learning. Thank you for thanking me ☺️☺️

0E-8 BEE