An Unexpected Encounter /Une Rencontre Inattendue
The cat in the photo, we encountered it in the street. It didn’t seem to be afraid of us. I think that cats are no longer as fearful of humans, probably because we don’t harm…
The cat in the photo, we encountered it in the street. It didn’t seem to be afraid of us. I think that cats are no longer as fearful of humans, probably because we don’t harm…
By the way, it's me who called them butterfly pasta, because they have the shape of a butterfly.…
The cactus grows in our country without difficulty, just as it can be found almost everywhere in the world. And I always thought this cactus belonged to our mountains, but no…
Steamed fava bean/ Fève cuite à la vapeur The fava bean is a delicious and nutritious…
My shadow on a carpet of flowers. Pretty, isn’t it? This photo was taken during my recent…
Let's go for a little recipe I made for the first time. At one point, everyone around me was talking about quince jam. I was given quinces when I recently went to the…
.......prepared on the spot, what do you think about it? It looks delicious, doesn't…
do you think about it? Successful, right? I can't remember how I did it 🥺🥺😏😏, I forgot…