sweetmonsters reblogged
The Bank of Neoxian - 2023-09-20
The Bank of Neoxian - 2023-09-20 The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 9.22 Eth to @zaku. Interest will accrue on this loan at 3% per month. If all goes as normal, the loan…
Crazy girl and in love with life, I only live today to the maximum of an open mind and enchanted by adrenaline, full of fun and ready to experience new things.
The Bank of Neoxian - 2023-09-20 The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 9.22 Eth to @zaku. Interest will accrue on this loan at 3% per month. If all goes as normal, the loan…
City of Neoxian chat has returned to Discord Dear Hive, I have caved into peer pressure and returned my city chat to Discord from Matrix chat. The city was originally born in…
Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in…