4.1499913 BEE
Vote Value
0.00035976 BEE
3.71666819 BEE
Vote Value
0.00032219 BEE
OCD Manual Curation Delegation Rewards Service
Curation, Onboarding and Community Incubation. - Delegating to @ocdb gives you daily curation reward payouts in Hive & HBD along with @reward.app rewards. We also reward delegators with any and all kinds of extra rewards @ocdb receives and generate free accounts for newcomers.
0.37167951 BEE
Vote Value
0.00003222 BEE
Bless Skate Life ❤️🛹
Skate & Barber & Cultura & Web3 Site - https://blessskateshopsanttana.lojavirtualnuvem.com.br/
5.89225343 BEE
Vote Value
0.00051079 BEE