How to maximize your LEO experience – a newbies guide to the LEOverse Part 2


Hello again lionsden! This is part 2 of How to maximize your LEO experience. If you have not read my previous post, we talked about how to make your blogposts stand out and about the importance of engaging with your audience. We also checked out the topic of curating others content and how you can delegate your HIVE and LEO power to not have to vote yourself. If you go back there now you can enjoy the full LEO experience and not miss any important information. You will find links to important posts by outstanding Leofinance authors that will help you up your LEO game.

How to maximize your LEO experience – a newbies guide to the LEOverse Part 1

Now that you have read the previous post and hopefully left a comment, let us dive into the second part. We will learn about:

  • tricks and tools you can use to widen your audience and to make your post more visible both on and off chain
  • We will dive deeper into the LEOverse and talk about powering up your LEO and HIVE to gain bigger influence on our blockchain.
  • how to participate on #LPUD

Without further ado, let us jump right into it.

image made with stable diffusion discord bot by @ausbitbank and finished in canva


How to maximize your LEO experience – a newbies guide to the LEOverse Part 2

If it comes to broaden your audience and getting more views and ultimately more upvotes as well, the first thing you gotta do is market yourself to the existing user base of Leofinance and HIVE. Those who are already are on our blockchain are the ones with the power to move your post in the top trending segments of the various frontends.

Remember the things that I wrote about in PART 1? If you have worked out your post and published it, there is a few options you can go with and the better you utilize these the more your post will get seen.


Share your post on leofinance threads

This is the easiest way to put your post out there! Go copy the link to your post and share it in THREADS! This is not only quick and easy but also completely free! You are putting your post in front of the existing LEO community!

Something like this thread will do the job!
image source - screenshot

Of course I did not publish this but I did promote my previous post on threads:
This link will take you straight to the original THREAD i created. Feel free to leave a comment there!

I will talk about threads later on again but for now we are just looking at it as a tool to promote your posts to a wider audience.

I don't know how many users came from there to look at my post and maybe that is something the leofinance team could implement in the future. Just as on twitter where you can click on the analytics of the tweet to check how many impressions and clicks etc it got.

This should be your first step after you posted! Note even if you write your blog on other frontends like Peakd or Ecency make sure to post the link to your post on threads on! More eyes will see your post and more people will engage! Make sure to answer to comments on your thread as well! And use hashtags in the thread if possible! #gmfrens will even mine you GM tokens on the WAX blockchain (just a tip)

If you want to help the LEO ecosystem even more you can try the next step where you can burn LEO to promote your post and get it on the promoted page. It works a bit like an auction and you need to check how much LEO you have to burn to get there.

Promote your post to the community with the internal promotion tool

Many don't know about this feature or know about it but never have used it before just as me. I am not sure how the exact mechanics of the promotion tool work, I will try to fill up this section with the knowledge I can acquire on
I found out that it works like an auction, you have to burn more than the previous promoter did.

This needs a bit of investigation. you have to check every transaction sending LEO that went from any account to this account:


Any token on the HIVE blockchain can be sent to this account and they will be forever taken out of circulation.
In order to know how much LEO to burn you need to know who promoted their post by burning LEO.
The easiest way to check that is HERE thanks to Tonimontana on the Discord channel of LEOfinance! You saved me so much time.
Bildschirmfoto 20221014 um 09.53.21.png
You can see that I already sent 36 LEO to null in order to promote a post. You can recognize this by the permalink that is visible in the transactions. For the post I chose that is @zottone444/splinterlands-analysis-of-all-tokens-on-the-market-ita-eng So any transaction with a permlink is a posts promotion.
The previous promoters are visible on the next screenshot:
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You can see clearly that the last time a post got promoted was 13 days ago as of time of writing. So this shows that this tool could give you a serious edge for your visibility.

I took the post of @zottone444 because I like his PGM token project that is made a s tipping token for gamers. And I don't want to promote my own post, that would not be that fun.

You can go and show some love to the post if you want to!

Splinterlands , Analysis of all tokens on the market! [ITA-ENG]

How to promote a post on

Click on the 3 dots underneath the post you want to promote!


A pop-up will show and you can decide how much LEO to burn. You need to burn more than the previous promoter of a post.

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I burned exactly 1 LEO more as the previous promoter.

This is how Zottone's post looks like in the Olio di Balena community:

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It is on an ok spot on the trending page but it could be more visible. I am not sure how it is shown for others. But the fact is it worked and we spent a little LEO, or to be exact we burnt LEO and therefore also took a little liquidity from the circulation of LEO. This might not be a lot but still these 36 LEO will never enter the markets again. This helps the LEO ecosystem.

These where the tools you can use on to promote your posts. One of them is free and it is just a no brainer! It costs you about a minute of your time to set up a thread and sharing your post with the Threads community that is growing by the day.

The second one also helps the LEOfinance economy by taking LEO tokens out of circulation.

There is a lot more you can do in order to get more readers though. Again this is not about getting a lot of upvotes but spreading the word about you and about LEOfinance and HIVE! Because ultimately the network effect can only kick in if more and more users join in and participate.

Let us have a look on what to do to maximize your LEO experience even more!

Proof of sharing, promoting your post on social media
Source screenshot

If you have a twitter account you should absolutely use this amazing opportunity to get your content in front of a wider audience! And the best thing about it is that you can earn with it as well! No joke! BUT there is certain things you will have to do in order to be elligible for earnings.

The founder of this idea is @acidyo who is also the founder of the OCD community.

Explained in a TLDR version in this post:

When you share a Hive front-end link on Twitter and include the #hive tag in the tweet, @poshtoken will leave a comment under the post you shared.

This looks like this: poshpic.png

If you are registered on it will send you the rewards that comment earns after 7 days, and on top of that also POSH tokens on depending on how well your tweet does.

Be aware that self voting is not allowed on these posh comments! If you selfvote that part of the rewards will be sent to So you will basically do something good but you will not earn from that.
Pro tip: if you find a post you like you can just go ahead and share it on twitter. Make sure to include the tag #hive Write a tweet why you like the post. This way the author of the post will see a comment just like the one above. If they decide to upvote that comment you will earn those rewards and POSH tokens as well.

If you have not registered a twitter account with POSH yet you can just follow this link:

You can then authorise your twitter account to log in and link it with your HIVE account! It is really easy and takes just a minute of your time. You can track your posh earnings directly on the site.
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There is a bunch of HIVE frontends that already work with @poshtoken and it is a great way to bring new users to the complete HIVE and LEO ecosystem.

If you want to know more about what posh and OCD is check out this blogpost:

An overview of OCD and POSH, and useful reference posts for newbies


Twitter is of course not the only place you can share your blogposts. There is many many social media platforms you can use. I am not using all of them and I really hate facebook but there too there is some groups you can drop you posts in every day. A few extra clicks from here and there makes all the difference and is great in marketing yourself and our web3 ecosystem.

Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, Linkedin, Tiktok, Instagram wherever you have an account you can find creative ways to share your LEO experience.

A few examples of how to get outside views from web2 social media:

Khal' TIKTOK the account leofinance has been taken by some teenager dude I hope we can get him to join :)

Blogsharing facebook groups --> make sure to follow the rules in these groups so you don't get kicked!

my twitter --> there is a twitter messaging group where we share hive related tweets drop me follow and let me know you want to be added!

HIVEBLOCKS instagram


Youtube channel of Khal

Whatever social media outlet you can think of and you use it is a possible way to get more readers and more new users to Leofinance.

Send your posts to a bunch of HIVE members on Listnerds

this section contains affiliate links and by clicking on them you will be taken to a signup page for listnerds. You need a hive account in order to earn with the service, if you do not have a hive account you can make one HERE or sign up with twitter for an account on

This is truly a revolutionary way to promote your post and it is free to use! Even better you will not only gain more comments reblogs and upvotes on your posts, but also earn more hive-engine tokens in the process.

I am talking about LISTNERDS , is a viral mailer based on the HIVE blockchain. Users signing up will get mails from other members. If they open the mail and click on the link on it they earn a certain amount of MAIL tokens that can be spent to send a mail to the list.

You can send a mail every seven days with your free plan, but depending on your time you can come every day to read mails of others.

Most of the users on this mailing list are on HIVE and Leofinance themselves and they are also a very engaging crowd as they know what I have been talking about in the first part of this series.

The amazing thing is that it really works!

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You also see that I have not been making use of my weekly free mail. I will try to get back to doing that!

You will notice the difference but you got to put in some work as well. If you want to send more than 1 mail per week you can either buy a certain amount of mail tokens or you can sign up for one of the professional plans and send more.

If you want to know how to use Listnerds there is no better place to go than the blog of @thisismylife her guides for Listnerds are easy to follow and you will learn a bunch about engaging!
Beginners guide for Listnerds by Thisismylife


Publish your HIVE post on publish0x and lead back to your post on HIVE

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After publishing on HIVE you can just go and copy paste your full article to publish0x! It will take all the pics and links so it is really a onestep thing!
Add the title and make a disclaimer that this post is your own and it has first been published on Leofinance or whatever frontend you used for it.

You can make a free account and earn double rewards on your post! Here you will earn ETH and AMPL if your readers tip on your content.
Register for publish0x (Affiliate link)

Publish0x is a blogging platform where readers can tip their favorite authors for free. Try it if you want it.

Fun fact I came to HIVE and ultimately Leofinance by reading about it on publish0x


You can see that there is plenty of options and I have not even covered them all. If you want as much engagement and rewards as possible you should be sharing your published blog in as many of these channels as you can and want.

2. Participate in day to day LEO life #LPUD #threads

If you want the full experience of the LEOverse you have to participate in the diefferent community days. Just as on every first day of the month there is #HPUD the HIVE Power Up Day there is also #LPUD LEO Power Up Day.

Every 15th of the months users power up LEO hereby helping to stabilize the LEO economy and growing their influence on the platform at the same time.

The rules are very simple and there is also a lot of prices to be won!

If you don't know what #lpud is then you should check out the post by @leogrowth

It's LPUD stacking time | Make a post for a Community Page and stack some Leo!

there is only a few steps you need to do to participate in #LPUD and you can earn a cool badge by @hivebuzz for it!

Some ground rules to participate in LeoPowerUpDay:

  • Your total Leo Power (on the 15th) must be less than 20k
  • You must power up at least 150 Leo on October 15.
  • You must not have powered down Leo since August 15.
  • Make a post on Leo Finance about LPUD, our curators will be on the lookout for amazing posts using the tag #lpud, so make sure to make a kick ass post and perhaps you'll get a visit from @leo.voter!

ProTip: This post doesn't have to be only about LPUD, it can be about anything else and you can just include an #LPUD section at the end of your post (just make sure to mention it on the title so we don't miss the post while picking the winners)

If you don't know how to power up LEO you can follow this guide by @anomadsoul

How to buy Leo Tokens and Power up - Hive-engine and Leodex Tutorial

Maximizing the LEOverse expererience with #THREADS

This is for everyone! Leofinance threads brings cryptotwitter to hive. It is in constant evolvement and is updated regularly. You can participate in the beginnings of the twitter killer our very own everything app.

This is microblogging on

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Threads is amazing and guess what: you can share those threads on twitter!

This is a good way to connect with users you don't know you can make new friendships and you can earn a bit of LEO on the side as well. But the rewards are not what counts here! The connections you make here lead to new followers new frens and new ideas!.

No holds barred! You can write about anything and you can share whatever you want. It doesn't have to be about Leo. It can be about your cat or your favorite game or simply a few emojis of how you are feeling.

This concludes part 2 of my series thanks so much for tuning in again and hope to see you for part 3 where we will be discussing:

  • what can you do with your LEO and HIVE earnings on chain and off chain
  • what is outside the HIVE and LEO and still is part of the LEOVERSE?

Questions you want answered:

If you have questions, if I made a mistake and I should edit it please let me know and leave a comment.

Don't forget to participate in #LPUD! It is tomorrow!

Have a nice weekend!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Great post you have here. A lot of info that must be useful to many! Well done :)

Also thanks for mentioning my guides of course, it's appreciated!

Hope you are well!



Thanks a lot, I am doing good, hope you are well. How is Spain treating you? And your guides are just the best way to get started with listnerds ;)


Another great part with much usefull inputs,thx!





Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT - 0.1 THG - tokens to @bokica80

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


A thousand thanks! so many things I didn't know!


Glad I could help! Check out the other 2 parts as well!
