Skatehive Weekly #22


What's up Skatehive fam?

"Skatehive Weekly" will serve as a weekly newsletter and will cover the latest news and updates in our community.

A new post will be published every Monday so keep an eye in our blog and don't forget to comment, like and follow us if you enjoyed it.


"Skater of the Week" Round 13 Winner

The community has voted and this week's winner is @web-gnar from the U.S! Congrats man! You will be added as a 60% beneficiery in the next "Skater of the Week" post! Keep shredding and creating!

"Skater of the Week" 13 announcement :


Skatehive Forum is open

Do you wanna help shape the future of Skatehive Community? Do you have any cool ideas you wanna get funding for? Do you wanna catch up with all Skatehive news and updates before they are announced?

Join ✍-forum-skatehive...

...a place where we share our ideas, discuss about them, give valuable feedback and all together decide how we're gonna move forward! Take a look at already existing posts, leave your feedback and propose your ideas!


Discord Expenses

A few days ago we transfered 32 Hive from @Skatehive wallet to @knowhow92 so he can pay for 3 Discord Server Boosts. That's a total of 8 Discord boosts this month only!

We'd really appreciate if anyone can help us by boosting the server. It's 5$/month and we're currently spending more than $35 to keep server at lvl 3


Skatehive Weekly Meeting

As every Tuesday we'll be hosting a community call in Skatehive Discord Voice Chat!

Everyone is free to join, connect with the commuity and have fun chatting skateboarding and web3 building!

Link to event :


Skatehive Witness Updates

Did you know we're running a Hive witness node? Oh yeah, we're currently ranked 98 with 1.6M HP votes so any support is much appreciated!

Running a witness node helps in decentralizing Hive blockchain and earns @skatehive account Hive Power at the same time!

We're here to stay, been building our community with passion for over 4 years now and it would be awesome if you could support us by voting our witness! The more we climb the witness ladder the more support we can give to our community.

Vote for 👉 @skatehive witness 👈

image.png Weekly Stats

Subscribers : 1244 (+2)
Active users : 28 (-9)
Interactions (comments/replies) : 196 (+61)
Weekly Pending Rewards : $417 (+$109)


That's it for this "Skatehive Weekly" issue everyone. We hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to give us a follow as well as upvote and re-blog this post for more visibility! Cheers and...


Wanna support Skatehive?

Here are a few things you can do

Join Skatehive Discord and connect with the community 👇

Find Skatehive On

@knowhow92 will return 70% of post rewards to @skatehive account when post pays out
