The crypto market and the Christmas season


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The first time I earned cool profits from the crypto market happened to be four years ago and it was during the Christmas period at that year , so ever since then I tend to put alot of attention to the market whenever the month of Christmas is getting close because many interesting activities tend to happen on the market at that time and one needs to be prepared for the unexpected..

This 2022 Christmas season, I do not know the market will react to it since we are still in the bearish market fundamentally and partially technically too..

I think what I will advice us to do is that we should keep buying the coin that will love most and trust , because there are high probability that the market of the crypto will become bullish before the Christmas in this 2022 ...

If it becomes bullish before then , that means you would make cool profits and I am sure those cool profits can make it possible for you to use it to enjoy the Christmas season..

And we should also have money we are saving towards investing on the crypto market incase the bearish trend continues on the crypto market..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
