Unconditional Love Includes Truth

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A solid friendship means both people are willing to accept each other for who they are, to offer thoughtful honesty in a way that allows each to grow and be supported. I’ve recently had an experience that has shown me what can happen when that principle breaks down.

Social media audio rooms can be a great way to meet and interact with people from all over the world. I've met some great people over the last year on multiple platforms and explored some fascinating subjects. Like any other forum where people come together, drama flares up. Drama that has impact on real people. Recently I was impacted by some events.

I had gotten to know a person across multiple platforms who deals with some difficult personal issues in a very open manner. I liked the person a lot and tried to be supportive.

I also knew he had a past that included some prison time. I didn't ask what i t was about. I chose to just accept him as I met him. His past also included military service. I never asked about that either. I just respected that he served.

Recently I was sent a link to an article about his past. I read it. I was a bit surprised about what had sent him to prison. But, when a person isn't well things happen. My experience was this person was working on healing. According to every report I read, his actual service was as a military clerk with one out of country deployment and hadn't been sent off base during that deployment. Good honourable service.

But, my heart sank as I read on.

He had very much misrepresented his service to others. Made claims of traumatic incidents that didn't happen, wore medals that were not his etc. That behaviour is known as stolen valour. As I read and thought about what I’d heard him share, he continued to misrepresent his service and to some extent his healing journey.

Anyone who knows me, knows I have spent a big part of my life in service to veterans and their communities. This was gut wrenching for me to learn about this person. It was a blow to the core of my being. I needed to figure out if I could find a way to be true to me and to continue to support him.

As I was coming face-to-face with this knowledge another person on the platform had an issue with my friend. I went quiet while trying to work this through. The other person went public.

A few days later my friend contacted me and suggested I might be being affected by the public person. I wasn't and I wasn’t sure I was ready for this convo but ventured into it. I told him what I was aware of the misrepresentation. That it struck at my core and had me feeling conflicted. There was an almost hour silence before he wished me well with my life. A day or two later he unfollowed me across multiple platforms. Apparently I’d been dropped from his life.

Not just from his life. I became very aware that some people I really liked were now being very cool toward me. I had no way of knowing what they had been told.

Recently I heard him talking about what had occurred. In general terms he was talking about the events and the impact on him. He talked a lot about those who showed him unconditional love and no judgment.

It dawned on me that in his mind, my speaking truth to him about how he was impacting me was for him judgment. His response told me speaking truth to him without judgement wasn't acceptable. To me, unconditional love and non-judgement doesn’t mean ignore all poor behaviour and just cheer the good stuff.

What I’ve written here is a recent and admittedly rather raw example of human behaviour. Unconditional support, love, friendship needs to be two way and able to withstand difficult truths being raised. That’s a strength of that type of relationship, being able to withstand having difficult truths raised.

It gives both parties opportunity to grow and heal in support. Both parties need to be open to doing so without being dragged into it.

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Shadowspub writes on a variety of subjects as she pursues her passion for learning. She also writes on other platforms and enjoys creating books you use like journals, notebooks, coloring books etc.

NOTE: unless otherwise stated, all images are the author’s

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I have to start this with, life is a bitch.

The problem we face with the burden we carry is that in newly born relationships with people, we avoid unburdening so we don't push people away from us. So we wait to get close enough to feel comfortable saying anything to one another. But the problem is, no matter what anyone says, we are all judging creatures, we aren't necessarily against everything we don't agree with but there are things we won't go past no matter who the person is. There will be exceptions and more tolerance toward our close ones and family but there is one ultimate line nobody can cross.

What I'm trying to say is, that we wait and we wait to find a moment (of courage I guess) to say something to the other person and have unreasonable expectations that it will go without any judgment. Sometimes it will but most of the time what happened to you is going to happen.

I guess we need to unburden ourselves as soon as we know we want to be long-time friends with someone, or else we are just avoiding this exact moment for longer and making the result more painful and confusing.

This sounds so easy to say rather than do of course, but I think it has some merit to it.
I hope that person realizes they were an ass and apologize. Sounds like you were really connected.


Discernment matters.

It's ironic that we value "unconditional" love while living in a world filled with imagery and examples that teach us conditional love, in a myriad ways. Consider, even, the "Disney Princess" version of unconditional love, which utterly conditional. The Princess makes the here earn her love by slaying dragons, going on quests, building castles... and teaches the world "If you do these thing for me, you are WORTHY of my love!"

Unconditional love does exist, but it doesn't mean turning a blind eye to bad behavior and lies. I like some of Pema Chödrön's writings, in which she points out that sometimes the most compassionate and loving thing we can do is to let someone fail — rather than rescue them from themselves out of love — because it is by doing so that they can truly become their greater self.

Sounds like the person you connected to had fear of not being "interesting enough," as is...


Posted using Proof of Brain


As a human making mistakes is natural for all of us and if we realize our mistake and try to improve ourself then I think there is nothing wrong. Sometimes it's hard to accept some past mistakes of others but if someone accepting their mistakes or confess about it we need to think deeply about it.


I am very sorry to hear this.
It must have been horrible and still would be with others taking sides.

Friendship works both ways. Not telling the truth is unacceptable in any friendship.

Friendships are built on faith and trust, plus that something that draws you to a person and you can relate to.

Your service for the armed services goes above and beyond what anyone I know has ever done. To find yourself in this position makes me angry on many levels.

I am so sorry you had to go through this, and I hope things have settled down now, but if it happened to me, it would leave a scar for a long time....

Just know that you are never alone as I am sure you do.

