I Used Doodling As A Meeting Metric and Then I Started Creating Doodle Pages



During my years of volunteering I became President of a local veterans organization and served several terms. Having sat through many long, boring meetings, one thing I didn’t want to do was run long, boring meetings.

One of the tools I used to read the room was to watch for someone doodling on the several pieces of paperwork distributed at meetings. I didn’t have anything against doodling, it’s a cool art form. Doodling during a meeting is usually something a person did to kill time.

I considered a good meeting to be when attendees were attentive and engaged. My job was to keep the meeting flowing in an orderly fashion. To find the line between having a discussion and letting someone ramble.

By the time my third or fourth term rolled around I had a reputation for short to the point meetings. Very little doodling went on.

I Do Like Doodling

Doodling has always fascinated me ever since I was introduced to the concept of DoodleArt in the 1970s. Back then, they came in poster size images usually packaged with a set of markers. More serious doodlers bought their own markers to colour their images with.

Since I started creating coloring books I’ve wanted to create doodle images.

I’m not, and never claimed to be, an artist. There are enough images around and ways of working with them to be able to get most of what I want. It’s taken me some time to find and learn the methods to accomplish what I wanted, but I’m getting there.

Recently I started working on a coloring book of doodle images.

I’m having fun putting these images together. The image I’m sharing in this post is the first page of the book. I created it in Procreate on my iPad. I love that Procreate quietly creates a time-lapse of the creative process I can download and edit.

Here is the creation and coloring process for this page:

If you’d like to download a copy of this page to colour, just visit here.

I think one of the main attractions for me when creating doodle pages is there isn’t really any right or wrong way to bring the images together. They can be on a theme, or they can be random in nature. The challenge is to flow them together to create a fun colouring experience.

Do you like to doodle? To colour doodles?


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Shadowspub is a writer from Ontario, Canada. She writes on a variety of subjects as she pursues her passion for learning. She also writes on other platforms and enjoys creating books you use like journals, notebooks, coloring books etc.

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Watching the workflow and the coloring process was fun. Almost therapeutic. Thanks for sharing how the magic happens. Cheers!


glad you enjoyed watching it. I'm not much on doing video ...but with the app giving me the raw material.. kind of hard to ignore.


The time-lapse video shows just how much detailed work goes into your creative process. Out of curiosity, what was the actual time it took to put all of that together?


creating the image took up 3 evenings and doing the colouring probably one. Creating colouring books can be time consuming but then so would writing a novel.
