"Why Men Love Bitches" | Book review

If you've ever felt enchanted or maybe a bit skeptical after seeing the title of Sherry Argov's book, "Why Men Love Bitches," you're not alone. Trust me; I had the same reaction when a friend recommended it to me, especially in the midst of yet another heartbreak. But don't let the title discourage you; there's more to this book.


First things first, this book isn't about turning women into mean-spirited individuals. Instead, it's a satirical yet profoundly eye-opening guide to understanding how to maintain healthy relationships while staying true to yourself.

When Argov uses the term 'bitch,' she isn't advocating for being rude, disrespectful, or unkind in relationships. Instead, she redefines the word to represent a strong, independent woman who knows her worth and doesn't compromise her values for anyone.

She believes a confident woman who knows herself inside out will naturally attract a good man who appreciates her for who she is. That might sound contrary to what many of us were taught – to be the ever-agreeable, housekeeping, meal-cooking partner.

News flash: following this 'Nice Girl' syndrome often leads women to a terrible place – they become less appealing and more, well, 'repealing.'

Every woman should embrace independence because an independent woman is charming. Being too readily available or overly reliant on your partner can diminish your value in their eyes. In other words, Believing your 'Baby Girl' lifestyle should be solely funded by your man is a big red flag.

You shouldn't stop chasing your dreams, having fun moments with friends, or meeting your own needs just because you're in a relationship.

A man with a healthy self-esteem will respect and appreciate the fact that you're living your life to the fullest, not just existing or being a parasite. Independence piques a man's interest and increases his respect for you.

Here's another eye-opener: contrary to popular belief, men don't like clingy women. Sherry introduces the concept of 'detachment,' not as emotional aloofness but as maintaining your own life, interests, and friends outside the relationship.
Think about it: before your partner came along, you were living, right? And even now, you shouldn't stop living. This approach keeps the relationship fresh and exciting.

Sherry must have written this book from a place of deep experience because she painstakingly points out every single bad habit that can sabotage a relationship.
In the past, women were often told not to complain, to endure silently. Thankfully, things have changed. It's no longer taboo to express yourself. In fact, not speaking up can lead to long-lasting suffering.

Ladies must learn to set boundaries in their relationships, when your partner crosses the line, you call them out on their misdeeds. Don't be shy to communicate what you want and how you want to be treated. Stand firm on your values without compromise.

Women need to embrace their authentic selves unapologetically. This means not changing who you are to fit someone else's expectations or desires. When you stay true to your values, interests, and passions, you become more attractive to the right person.
Moreover, she suggests that maintaining an air of mystery can be incredibly appealing. This doesn't mean playing games but rather not revealing everything about yourself immediately. Leave room for curiosity and discovery in the relationship. It keeps things exciting and allows both partners to continue learning about each other over time.

In essence, don't give too much too soon. It's great to be honest, but you should also let your partner earn your trust and gradually gain access to more personal information about you.

The book highlights the importance of balancing your relationship with selfcare when you prioritize your interests and well-being, you communicate that you are a person of substance.
Don't lose yourself in the process of finding love. Rather, find a balance between nurturing the relationship and nurturing yourself.



"Why Men Love Bitches" challenges traditional gender roles and encourages women to step into their power while fostering healthy, loving relationships. In this day and age, a relationship should be a partnership where both individuals respect and value each other.
I have learnt so much from this book especially, learning to navigate the complexities of modern dating and love. Whether you're happily single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, "Why Men Love Bitches" offers valuable insights that invite you to embrace your inner 'bitch' – strong, confident, and unapologetically yourself.

You should get a copy for yourself.


This book is the kind of book you just have to get the hard copy. I read this book in 2010 and because I enjoyed the book so much I ordered for the hard copy immediately. The book had an impact me and I usually recommend that this book be read by young women coming up. Glad you saw more to this book. You are not alone.

I enjoyed reading your review, it was comprehensive. Nicely done!


Yeah, Sherry is an amazing Writer, I apply the principle in all my relationship with people and what I ended up with is Thank you to Sherry

Thanks for your warmest contribution @esther-emmanuel
