This one is a true classic even though I never really realised it took place in New York. It's one of the few movies I've seen multiple times as each time I passed by it on tv I…
I watched this one not knowing it was a satire until later in the movie but still very much enjoyed and remember it though as there were at least a couple scenes that really…
I never heard of this one but I know Octavia Spencer, the fact that it gets only 5.6 on imdb puts me off though. That said, the trailer actually looks quite fun. Thanks for…
I have one of those older media players and the issue sometimes is that certain file codations aren't supported. Will need to find a fix for it as it's happening more and more.…
I've been wanting to see this one for a long time but each time I tried the file didn't work. I'll keep trying though as I'm quite sure that I will enjoy it like you…