Tips on what To Teach a child as parents from their early age


Hey, guys how are you doing today hope you are having a great day and fun time too, well I just want to share with us some few ideas on what to educate a on From their early age. I believe you all are going to love it because as parents we Will always want the very best from our kids at home and even in school honestly I will be so overwhelmed to have you make a comment on my post as to push it further more on every explanations it can get. I think I haven't made any post yet on this beautiful and lovely community of ours, actually today I had thought of making a post here but there was no topic yet but suddenly it just came up and I said to myself that I was going to bring it here on this lovely community so sorry I might not to get it as you could ever wanted it to be but I believe with time I will. Greetings from @salvictoria22.

Children learn in different ways depending on their development stage and one thing we all know is that children love to learn new things, each child has his or her own personality and response to experience differently . Just like adults children may have outgoing shyness or even tempered natures as parents your experience should be in tune with your child in a positive and caring manner that agrees with his or her special personality a situation where by you as parents try to understand your child personality your experiences can help him or her succeed by offering care activity and Discipline that best fits their needs.

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As parents one thing we need to know is that it is very important to get the approach right for children, one thing I have come to notice in the life of a child is that they learn and develop at different rates and also in different ways. That is why as parents if we don't understand we can end up doing damage than doing them good you need to understand and what expect from children and make sure that what you do at home reflect where ever they are in their development, remember so much activity don't get them to hop if they are not yet balance on one leg children are all developing socially , emotionally, physically and linguistically as they try to understand the world around them this is essential and it helps us recognize that changing and mixing activities is the best way to keep children motivated conversely.

Note: expecting young children to pay attention for extended periods in a teacher centered lesson only leads to frustration and behavioral issues, so plan your classes but be prepared to let go and adapt activities based on the needs of children.

Therefore Understanding how to play stimulates a child's natural curiosity to learn, because in their early age children are full of curiosity and keen to learn about everything and anything and so as parents we should try to identify what interest them the most and you will be able to grab and hold back their attention. Always make sure you Encourage them so that they can feel confident and also praise their preservance whenever they find something difficult so that they don't give up I can assure you that all these will help in their mindset.

Life skills to teach your child
Teach them on how to think for themselves.
Take responsibility for your actions and choices.
Teach them on how to solve problems and deal with obstacle.
Teach them on how to negotiate conflict.
Find a way to make a contribution.
Time management.
Health and hygiene.
Money management.
Companion shopping.
Finally, educating with your heart is preparing our kids for greatness.
Thanks for stopping by my blog Take care of yourself and do have a nice day and fun time too.once again greetings from @salvictoria22.


Thank you for sharing these tips to every parent in the community. Greetings
