Thoughtful Thursday : Spirituality


I'm a day late, I know, but after reading @cmplxty 's thoughts yesterday, I wanted to throw something on Hive too. As I was thinking about our conversation yesterday, I thought a bit more about Gnosticism last night. It's something that, for whatever reason, has resonated with me for a few years now. I of course have no idea about the true reality of nature (nor do I think I ever will), but whatever the Gnostics were on about long ago...I always felt there was "something to it."


My first foray into Gnosticism started long ago with Lunar Waves and the wild world of Hatybov. Now, if you know what I'm talking about there, I apologize. If you don't, # WHEW #. Let's just say it was a good jumping off point, however, into the world of the Gnostics.

In a previous life, I attempted to put a semi-rough outline together of what the Gnostic doctrine in. To say this is overly simplifying a philosophical schema is absolutely true. Yet it was a start for me to dig into the overall worldview (and thank you Stuart Douglas, for the wonderful book I read that featured this outline!) :

I. It is monistic; there exists a sole preternatural supreme godhead out of which everything comes into being

II. The cosmogony involves a process of female-male syzygies discharged from the godhead

III. It is dualistic in nature and calls out a distinct division between the godhead's realm of light and the artificed/engineered domain of matter

IV. The artificed/engineered domain of matter is the creation of a "lesser, ignorant, occasionally evil god and its subordinates."

V. The generation of this domain of matter is a cosmic error and disruption the higher order of spirituality

VI. Humans were created by the "lesser deity" and imprisoned in the world of artificial matter...forever banished from returning to the light of the godhead

VII. All human being carry within them a "divine essence," or a "divine spark;" this essence is equal to that of the godhead

VIII. Salvation, or a return to the godhead and an escape from matter, is acheived through direct , inner experience or illumination, and not through blind faith

IX. This inner experience is gnosis, or knowledge, and imparted to those who seek it through a delegate from the realm of the godhead

X. All Gnostics, throughout their life on this planet, strive to extract their divine essence from the prison of matter and a future reunion with the realm of preternatural light


That's a lot, sure, but I've always appreciated the outline to help me wrap my head around those old school Gnostics. So with that said, where am I at this?


I think there is something to the ideas of the Gnostics. Again, when I first started digging into Archons and demiurges, I was a bit overwhelmed. Yet when coupled with movies like the Matrix, The Truman Show, or even shows like Battlestar Galactica or Lost, I started to see the pattern. Sure, it took a few slugs in the brain to get it going, but I sort of get it now. Sort of...

Part of my life the past years is seeking that "illumination." Like others, I always wanted a short cut to this gnosis. Maybe I'd be abducted by a UFO and given the secrets of the universe...maybe I'd accidentally fall into the world of the fae and be instructed on the true history of our world...or maybe some ascended masters happened to read my blog, take interest in me, and visit me to give me the true meaning of it all.

Of course, none of that has happened; I now realize it's a path I have to walk to better understand where I'm going and what I'm doing. It of course can't be easy; otherwise, what would be the point of it?

Let's call it a continued lesson in process, instead. It's something I continue to dabble with as I try to live every day to its fullest. We'll see, can definitely get in the way (and maybe that's by the demiurge's design!)

With all that said, what do you think? Are you a wannabe Gnostic too? Or does it all sound like rubbish? The orthodox Christians did everything they could do bury this belief set way back in the day, which in turn makes me think there is something to it all. Or maybe not. Either way, I'll continue to explore it.


You know, there are about as many ideas on "ultimate reality" as there are people. It's a tough, interesting, discussion, for sure!

Personally, I still haven't made my mind up. I haven't found any one type of system which appeals to me, which honestly leads me to think that either none of them are completely accurate, all of them are faulty, or there is some truth to them all. Neither of those answers offers any clarity, either, so I'll just continue to live my life, try to do good, and if I need to answer to anyone, let my actions and my improvements be my defence.


And if you get abducted by something highly strange, please send them my way too! I have a ton of questions to ask those "things"!


Hopefully one of those questions isn't, "And why does my ass still hurt so much??"


That's funny...I just started reading the Allagash abductions and there was that and some type of urethra probe from the alleged aliens on four men. Very interesting case (and honestly, it's kind of freaking me out when i read it at night)


Awesome stuff man thanks for joining in! I will spend more time reading this tomorrow but excited to see you dropping one of these too :D I have one for next week as well, but after that I don't have one thought out yet lol


I'll keep plugging along after you! I am going to start a larger Gnostic series too should be a fun research project for me.
