A Sublime Sunday in the Coulee Region



For this weekend's #sublimesunday share, as inspired by @c0ff33a, Hattie and I rolled the car up to the top of a nearby bluff to visit a historic road marker. The Wisconsin road marker number, 209, is dedicated to the area's valleys and coulees. It was the perfect trip to break up a day of Hattie duty.



The Coulee Region was an area formed by runoff from the last warming of the Ice Age. Coulee is derived from the French word couler; couler means to flow...as one can imagine, lots and lots of water flowed through this area when the glaciers melted.


The area I took the photos from is atop dolomite capped hill. The areas beneath the lookout are actually a part of the greater Mississippi River valley. Years ago, the dolomite was eroded from the massive amounts of water that flowed through here. Once eroded, the underlying limestone was exposed and various crooks and crannies that are in this area were formed. The geography of this area is always fascinating to learn about; plus, you can always learn something new when you stop to read a historical marker! So always recommend that to fellow travelers!



Even with the cold weather and traces of snow on the ground, the adventure was worth the trip. I have no idea how many times I've driven by this lookout on some random drive. It was fun to finally pull over and take in the cold air, embrace the northern wind, get some photos, and appreciate the last of the green before the snow arrives.


It was certainly a #sublime moment, indeed! Thanks for stopping by to check out my share, and I hope everyone out there on Hive, despite last week's crypto insanity, had a wonderful weekend wherever you are.
