The Secrets Of Monk Petrus



Petrus had taken off his wand and was using it after a long time, and this gave him such a good feeling that it made his dark mood somewhat relieved.

He couldn't do magic in the temple because everyone thought he was a muggle and if they found out he wasn't, all hell would break loose. Petrus had managed to keep his witch sister Rosalie from the harm of monks, but he doubted he could do anything about himself. Being a wizard was the greatest possible sin for the great monk leader.

As he was walking down Diagon Alley and passing through the closed shops, he suddenly saw a shadow that quickly entered through the crack of one of the closed windows.
"So you're here."

And he went in that direction with ease. His prey was a vampire, but of the muggle type. Now that Benjamin would not agree to kill the vile vampires, Petrus had to do it himself.

He opened the door and entered the shop and in the light of his wand he saw the vampire huddled in a corner and trembling with fear. Petrus said in a calm tone:
"If you want, I can listen to your confession before I kill you."

The vampire said angrily.
"I have no confession to say to you dirty creature."

Petrus raised his wand and cast a spell at him. The vampire burst into flames and was reduced to ashes as it screamed in pain.

Petrus went forward and stood in the middle of the shop and enjoyed the rush of adrenaline and increased heart rate.
"Yes, I'm a dirty creature. I've been that way for a long time. I hid my wizardhood from the monks, as well as my relationship with a man. He's no longer alive and has become a ghost. Yet still he gives me the feeling of heaven... My dear Levi, come to me."

At this moment, the ghost of a man with fiery red hair appeared in the shop and went towards Petrus and hugged him.

