thehivetuber19 hours ago@thehivetuber "very good indeed !BEER ..."very good indeed…00 00.00000000 BEE
thehivetuberyesterdayMaybe someone knows something we don’t. Either way, if buyers are absorbing it, things could get interesting. Might be time for me to keep an eye on…10 10.00010169 BEE
niallon11yesterdayMaybe the koreans have moved there from upbit. If so we could get a monster pump like the upbit…10 10.00010043 BEE
niallon11yesterdayMaybe the koreans have moved there from upbit. If so we could get a monster pump like the upbit…10 10.00010248 BEE
davideownzallyesterdayunexpected pump. i will never understand who buys that much to make it…10 00.00010076 BEE
lolzbot3 days ago'm looking for an arsonist interested in a romantic relationship.I want someone who can set my world on…00 00.00000000 BEE