Pic1000 : The Silver Lining



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  • Describe what you see?

I see a woman holding a camera, probably taking a picture.

  • Describe what you feel?

She might be taking a picture out of curiosity or for memory purposes.


"They would soon be here", Alina thought as she sat down on the bench in the park. Every weekend she comes to the park hoping to talk to her daughter but she ends up taking pictures of her and her children.

While she sat down on the bench in the park waiting for them, she couldn't help but feel the pain wash over her once again.

"It was all her fault. She shouldn't have sold her daughter", she thought as memories came flooding. She was young and thought she was doing the right thing but even after 30 years, she still felt the guilt wash over her. The heartache that came with her decision.

When she was young, Alina and her family were really struggling. Her parents could barely provide for her and her siblings and the debts kept piling up which was how she fell prey to Danny, who took her innocence and got her pregnant, one which Danny denied vehemently.

Alina's pregnancy added more strain on her family and that made it easy for Alina and her parents to accept the offer made by The Smith's who promised to pay them handsomely if Alina would give them her child after she was born. Alina was seven months gone when she moved into The Smith's house and she had her baby there.

When Alina saw her baby for the first time, her heart broke and right there she knew she would have a hard time letting her daughter go which brings her down to two options ”Pay back the half payment that The Smith's already gave her parents or just go with the plan and hand over her baby”.

From her situation, it seems the latter was her only choice because not only will she and her family be unable to pay the money back, she knew she won't be able to take care of her daughter, so she thought the best thing was for her to go to a family who could provide for her.

Alina gave a daughter a kiss on the cheeks and caress the unique birth mark which appeared on one side of her baby's neck. She took the last payment given to her by The Smith's and left. She got back home and handed the money to her parents with tears on her face.

Every night, she dreamt of her daughter's face and would wake up crying. Her mother couldn't bear to see her in so much pain and talked to her, telling her there might be a silver lining later on,that she might be able to watch her daughter grow from afar and maybe one day, be a part of her life. But that hope was shattered when Alina learned that the The Smith's sold their house and left the area some weeks after.

She never thought she would ever see her daughter again until fate brought them close 30 years later.

The first time Alina came face to face with her daughter after many years, she recognized her immediately. Even before she saw the birth mark by the side of her neck, she knew right from looking into her eyes.

Alina learned from spending time at the park that her daughter's name is Bridget who had grown to a fine young woman with two children of her own.

All Alina had was the memory of her face when she was a baby and she knew she needed more. So she went to get herself a camera which she brought to the park whenever she goes there.

While Bridget play with her children and other kids, Alina would smile and take pictures of them. Maybe one day she would summon the courage and let Bridget know who she was but for now, She can only settle for the pictures.

0.19560993 BEE

You can imagine finding his daughter after so many years, it's an emotion you can't hold in your chest. I identify with your story, I lost my 10-year-old daughter to leukaemia and I know how terrible it is to go through that. Blessings.

0.00078880 BEE

Oh! I am so sorry you lost your daughter. You are very strong to even be able to talk about it, I can't even think to imagine the pain of loosing one's child.

Thank you for your time here.

5E-8 BEE

I cannot imagine the anguish of this decision ... and also the bittersweet joy of discovering her daughter alive and well with children of her own ... and the blessing of the pictures...

0.00073104 BEE

Yes, seeing her daughter alive and well will no doubt make her very happy.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

0E-8 BEE

Oh my!!
May we not make wrong decisions because of poverty. Alina will live with the regrets all her life. Sad one.

5E-8 BEE

It is surely a sad one. I hope she gets to reconnect with her daughter.

Thank you so much for stopping by.

0E-8 BEE

I really feel for Alina. I can't imagine being separated from my own child. How I wished there was a third option that could keep her close to her daughter.

I hope the silver lining comes soon

5E-8 BEE

I can't even imagine being away from my child. I also hope she gets to connect with her daughter after so many years.

I appreciate you coming around.

0.00002695 BEE

You're welcome

0E-8 BEE

Circumstances force many people and families to made life-altering decisions. I felt deeply for Alina having to make the difficult decision. As a young woman, she weighted out the situation and came to a conclusion she felt was best for her daughter's well being. I commend her for that knowing how difficult taking care of her would be, especially after the father denied his responsibility to assist.

What a coincidence that Bridget must have moved back to the area for them to meet in the park after 30 years.

Thanks for sharing such a touching story of love and giving an innocent a chance at life. By going through with the arrangement, Alina helped her daughter and the Smith family.

Take care.

5E-8 BEE

Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate your coming around.

0E-8 BEE

Poor lady. i feel for her.

0E-8 BEE

Same here. Thank you for stopping by.

0E-8 BEE

Beautiful story☺

0E-8 BEE

Thank you for reading.

0E-8 BEE

Back then she made the best choice for her child. It's good to know the girl grew into a happy woman provided with everything.
It's not poverty that would worry me but the attitude of the (grand)parents. Imagine how her life would have developed with hate, shame, and rejection reigning.

Thanks for joining pic1000 👍

0E-8 BEE

Some decisions, however hard it must be at the time sometimes turns out to be best.

Thank you so much for having me.

0E-8 BEE

I wouldn't blame her for falling prey to the guy neither would I blame her for selling her child. It was just impossible for her to return the money to the Smith's and still cater for her daughter (as she and her family were barely surviving).

It's obvious that the Smith's took care of her daughter and trained her up responsibly and that makes me very happy. I do hope she reunites with her daughter someday.

0E-8 BEE

I do hope she does. Thank you so much for coming around Queen.

0E-8 BEE

This is a really touching story. No mother should be faced with an option of parting with her child. Sadly life is just the way it is sometimes.

A really interesting read.

Came in from #dreemport

0E-8 BEE

It's really sad for a mother to have to make that decision.

Thank you for coming around.

0E-8 BEE

You are welcome dear 😘

0E-8 BEE

I am glad Alina was able to unite with her daughter again. Somethings happens for a reason. Because she was taken care of to become someone valuable. Thanks to Nature.

0E-8 BEE

I appreciate you coming around.

0E-8 BEE