Filled To The Brim~` STB#73

Coffee is without a doubt my favorite beverage. I have always loved taking a cup of coffee or more every day. Sometimes I do take more, not too much though as I try to maintain my daily dose. I love taking my coffee black but from time to time, I buy rolls of 3-in-1 coffee at a discount price.

3-in-1 means that it contains coffee, milk, and sugar and I also take that in adequate amounts as well.

To answer the question posed for this week's coffee prompt;

Have you ever experienced over-caffeination?


Thinking of the time this happened to me, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. It happened one morning, I already had a big breakfast that morning and washed it down with about two cups of coffee. Afterward, I went about my daily chores as I planned to go out that day to stock some foodstuffs and groceries.

I was at the grocery shop trying to stock up on some things on my list when something caught my eye "Buy 10 get 1 free"


I couldn't help but become intrigued. I picked up a roll and thought I had no intention of buying coffee because I still had enough at home. But the minimalist in me doesn't just want to pass off on the offer, I felt it would also help in save more since I take coffee every day. I mean why would they have to entice me with that offer? I ended up getting three rolls of the 3-in-1 at the time and thought of getting more of it later on.

When I got back home, I thought about the coffee I had just bought and about the extras on top.

Is it a form of advert by the company? Because it is, it is surely working. There is no way other coffee lovers like me wouldn't buy more. Seeing that the price is even the same as before made me glad that they came up with this new strategy. Then, oh wait? Will it taste the same as before, I mean given that they are giving away 1+ free for every roll bought, it would surely help the companies supply more.

What about its compositions? Is it the same as the previous ones? I decided to compare its compositions with the previous one I had at home from this new type and saw that it was the same. Wow!

What about the taste? Well, I wouldn't know till I had a taste. So I boiled some hot water and prepared some for myself.


I took the first cup and Wow! Delicious. I could take another cup, couldn't I? Yes, I could. Even though my subconscious was telling me that I had had enough for the day.

"But you have some extra from the one you bought right?", another voice tells me. This means I could prepare extra and so I did. I kept taking more cups and before I knew it, I was filled to the brim πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ.

How did I feel after taking all those cups of coffee?

At first, I could barely move, I was just feeling tired, too tired to even clear out the cup used. I was just lying there on the floor. It was after some hours that I started feeling a bit better.

That over-caffeinated moment made me promise not ever try something like that again. I would rather just stick to my daily dose of coffee.

All Images Used Are Mine

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I don't drink that Instant 3-in-1 coffee, but I got used to seeing it when I lived in the Philippines.

It's strange when we are selective with which of the vices in our heads we listen to.

Lovely photos πŸ‘

0.00066248 BEE

πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ I mean I could have just listened to the voice that told me I have had enough, but Nooo... I just needed more.

Thank you so much for coming around.

7E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

Thank you so much.

0E-8 BEE

all these people wey too like ofe things, hehe
me sha no like to take coffee but sometimes I do to help me be active in the class

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I see how much you really like coffee. Three rolls? Wow!

Now that you have learned, stick to your usual dose. πŸ˜‚


0E-8 BEE

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I don learn my lesson.

Thank you for coming around.

0E-8 BEE

Seeing NescafΓ© photo.... that's one of the fewest brands we have in NaijaπŸ˜…

0E-8 BEE