The So And Not So Good About Inleo



Whoever in his or her wildest dreams ever thought the popularly known Leo finance would be one day called inleo? I still find it quite hard to come to terms with the new term even though I seem to be getting accustomed to the new name.

I’ve not been on hive for more than a year and Leo finance have changed so much. Is this change for the better? Well, I think this is a question which will most likely be answered more accurately by the old-time users of Leo Finance. Before this change, inleo was a crypto and finance-related community. It had a lot of users as it was one of the most popular communities on hive.

Well, this has not changed but then I think in the past even though it had a lot of users the numbers weren’t as staggering as they are now. I say this because of the flexibility the platform now has.

This has helped a lot of people not to shy away from inleo and it’s awesomeness. Before this change started Leo finance was a community for literates in the crypto and financial space. I say this because not everyone on hive knows a lot about finance-related topics. So this drove new users away.

Even though threads was a different setting and it was meant to allow diverse topics there, a lot of people didn’t know this. They shy away the moment they hear that Leo finance is a finance-based community.

It hasn’t been that long and Leo finance have changed to Inleo. Now inleo unlike Leo finance accepts all types of content. With the new and improved UI, all users on hive can use it however they wish. Leo finance which was known as the mother UI is now just a community for posting financial and crypto content. I hope this explains it. You can use inleo just like how we use ecency and peakD to post into other communities.

Now there are a lot of advantages to making a post with Inleo or threading on Inleo.

Ever-green rewards

When you make a post using Inleo you stand a chance of getting upvoted by Leo voter. You also stand a chance of ad revenue for as long as your post is on the platform.

This is what we call ever-green rewards. It doesn’t matter when the post pays out. As long as your post or thread gets several views the author qualifies for a percentage of the evergreen rewards.

For me, the introduction of the inleo premium sub has been a good one. Yes, some people like to stand out and I am one of them. I can be an In Leo premium user who hardly uses threads but when I make a thread I want the tick to be attached to my name lol. There are a of benefits to being a premium user. One of them is that you get prioritised curation. According to the team, their aim is for a premium user to get double of what he put unit subbing for the premium.


With the premium sub, you’re able to make lengthier threads on threads.

Quality pictures on threads

With the quality of phones that are being made these days, it’s sad to see the quality of a picture reduced drastically when you post it on threads. Luckily it seems that the team is working on it as this month I’ve been able to see a good improvement in the quality of pictures that are being posted on threads


There is one problem I always face when it comes to uploading pictures on threads. I’ve realised that each time I try to upload a picture it takes a very long time which was not the case before. This happens both with my laptop and my phone. Initially, it used to happen with my phone, it took longer periods to get my pictures uploaded until I tried using my laptop.

These days the problem has been transferred to the laptop as well.

The only solution I have to this is that I usually upload the picture on peakD first and then I copy the image text and then I paste it on threads, this works well but you’ll realise that it’s a picture from peakD so I think this should be worked on.

YouTube embedded videos

YouTube-embedded videos are a nice thing to see. I recently came across those on hive. I didn’t think it was easy but it seemed less and just like on any other platform it was nice to see.

Some threads still missing on the timeline

Threads being missing on the timeline has always been a major problem which I think has to be addressed ASAP. This has been a persistent problem which unfortunately hasn’t been solved yet.

At times I post a thread and I don’t find it on the timeline. When I go to my profile view I find the thread but then I don’t find it on the timeline. I would have said oh maybe it’s from my end but when this happens the thread has not views, no comments or upvotes either so I realise it gets missing on the timeline completely.

Posts on Inleo don’t look like the one on other front ends

This is something that turns me off about inleo. I’ve never edited my posts on Inleo simply because of this. You’ll find that as you’re editing your content to make a blog they still look scattered on inleo. With other front ends, the preview side shows you how your posts will look but with Inleo you don’t and it’s frustrating.

For me these are the few things that I like and the few things that upset me as well. Apart from that, I think the team are doing a fantastic job and all we can say is we want Inleo to be the biggest community on hive one day.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I've also been a part of Inleo for roughly a year and can attest to this improvements and benefits the Inleo Frontend offers.


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