My Zing Stack Coming Up Nicely


Hi guys,

Hope we are doing great. So if you don’t know, acid is releasing a game which is called Holozing. I wrote a bit about it last time in this post here, you can check it out to know what the game is about.

Holozing is a role-playing game where the user uses characters. I wouldn’t like to go into that right now as I’ve already spoken about the game in a previous post. According to a post I read, acidyo plans to release it early next year. When I heard this I wasn’t sad honestly. This is why.

Zing, is the in-game currency of holozing which is being airdropped to 3 particular groups of people. One of them is, you need to delegate hp to zingtoken to be airdropped staked zing which you can claim. When you claim it immediately goes straight into your hive engine stake.

The second one is, you have to hold posh. And the last one is that you have to have staked zing. Now this third option wasn’t a realistic option a few weeks ago because Zing wasn’t available on the market a few weeks ago. But now it’s available so even if you can’t get it through HP and posh holdings you can buy and stake to earn rewards.

I don’t have a huge amount of HP yet but then I’ve delegated what I can for now. A few weeks ago I wanted to delegate about 1000 Hp but it wasn’t possible yet, fast forward I decided to delegate about 400 Hp. Now, it’s important to have a goal before going into something.

Before delegating HP to Zingtoken I had the idea of how much Zing I wanted to have before the game was released. Before, I didn’t know the game was going to be released next year and I was targeting an amount of 1000 zing, staked and unstaked. But now that I know that it’s going to be released next year I have different plans now.

First of all, I want to have a lot of staked zing. I know am being airdropped staked zing but I want to be able to take advantage of the APR in the staked zing corner as well. I think the APR there is crazy as well. For now, am thinking about proving liquidity as well. I know it comes with a lot of risk but am ready to take that risk lol.

I’ll begin by providing it slowly and then see where I can go with it. For now, since we are not sent liquid zing, I don’t have a goal of how much liquid zing I’d like to have. But I think I’d like to have some in my wallet to be able to make a profit when the prices are unbelievable.

For now, I think I get about 50 or more zing staked to my wallet every now and then for my 1000-hp delegation. I don’t plan on increasing that since I have limited HP. But then I don’t get enough staked zing from my stake side so I’d like to improve that. For now, am claiming all that I can to take advantage of that real quickly.

Am not just in it for the zing as I’d also love to play the game. So waiting patiently for it to be launched next year. Who knows, you might need to have a good amount of staked zing to enjoy the game.

Let’s see how it goes.


400hp delegated is a good start!
I only have 100hp delegated for now. Just wanted to feel it out and I also wanted to see how much I got xD

I have also delegated 100hp to Poshtoken since they also gives a good apr, but not sure if thats worth it when the game comes out next year alright, might not be enough time to compound :D


Oh yh, I did give 400 at first but I’ve updated it to 1000. Am satisfied with what I get for 1000 hp delegated for now( not like I have any choice lol)

But let’s see where it goes.


Alright, ye 1k is pretty neat :D
Its good apes at the moment ;)


Maaaaan... I cant wait for that game 🔥
