Educate Yourself On The Basics Of Crypto



Yep, crypto can make you a millionaire, we all know that. But there’s this part of crypto that a lot of people don’t wanna do before they get in bed with crypto. Yes, there are people who have been quite lucky to buy an asset all in hope and then it pumps the life out of them and they turn into millions. But then I ask myself at times, can someone turn 1000s into millions without having any knowledge what so ever about what he or she is doing?

This reminds me of when an investor turned 1000s of shiba into millions within months. Was that person lucky or he knew what he was doing. You can ask yourself this but then I think he knew what he was doing. Someone who knows noting about crypto would have probably cashed out after the money made him 100,000s . But I bet that wasn’t his first bet on a small priced cryptocurrency; this time round it paid off big.

So what am I trying to say,I am saying this after one of our lecturers wanted to know more about crypto contacted me. At first I was glad he wanted to know more about crypto but as we spoke I was disappointed.

For someone as educated as him, I was expecting that he would wanna know a lot more about what he wanted to venture into, I get it, he claims he has a friend who spoke to them about Bitcoin when it just came out in 2009 but they didn’t listen, now that friend has made it and he wants to be like him. We all wanna be like his friend but that wealth wasn’t made over night.

That’s what he doesn’t wanna understand. He wants to throw a couple dollars on some coin that he finds appealing and later on open his exchange to see a huge rise in price. Heck, he doesn’t even wanna learn how to have a binance account, all he wants is the cash.

We are all in it fit the cash but then you have to know what you are about. There are great opportunities in this, there is not one style of trading and am afraid if one only puts his efforts on one type of trade it might end up being his downfall with little or no knowledge.

It’s like being here on hive. You can’t actually succeed without studying how to use hive. You don’t come on hive and just start posting. You need to learn how to reference pictures, how to make a post and also you need to learn the kind of things you are allowed to borrow from the net. You also need to learn how to use your hive wallet, how to keep your keys safe and all that. It’s all interconnected.

It’s the same with crypto, you need to learn the basics, you need to learn how to at least read a chart without indicators and the slowly you can learn how to read with indicators. It’s a gradual process if you indeed wanna succeed.

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