Night Crows 🌒| Celebration Event - Week 3, 2x New Crow Gear, Skills

The Night Crows NFT Game, created by Wemade, had a major update that brought the third week of the 100-day celebration event, two new Night Crows items, new skills for all classes in the game and some gameplay updates like a Party Board and Daily Quest now in the Agenda.

Come and discover everything about this Night Crows update!

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🎉 100 Day Celebration Event - Week 3 🎉

Source: Night Crows - Game

Third Invitation from Clemens 📹 | The game was very generous with this Third Clemens Invitation, because it is offering Night Crows Players free of charge, 15 ascension tokens, which are the tokens necessary for you to ascend your class and one of the requirements to transform your character in NFT.

In addition to the Ascension Token, the game is also giving out 5x Extra Guild Orders on the third day, 5x Morions and 10x Source of Growth in total.

Source: Night Crows - Game

Ruin of Sancona x2 ✹| The second event that came was an XP buff in the Sancona Ruins, in which the amount of XP you gain is doubled during the event period. So, if you saved your XP pots to use, now is the time, as Sancona is one of the maps that gives the highest amount of XP in the game. Besides that, there's Tronetel, but the monsters there are much stronger.

Source: Night Crows - Game

Guild Order 99 ⚔| The Guild Order 99 event is one of the Night Crows events that should never end. Instead of needing to kill 800 monsters in the best Order, you only need to defeat 99, but the big difference is that upon completing the quest you earn 500 Guild Coins. This means that per day, as you have 5 Orders, you earn 2.5 thousand Guild Coins, helping a lot to accumulate the amount needed to get the skills in the Guild Store.

đŸ„‹ 2x Night Crows Gear 📿

Source: Night Crows - Game

Night Crows Gear | In this update two new raven items were added to Night Crows. These items are some of the strongest in the game, because they guarantee good status. The first new item is the Night Crows Beak Circlet, which at +4 grants 8 ACC and 11 Skill damage. The second item at +4, the Night Crows Flight Feather Jewel guarantees Defense 8 and Skill damage Reduction 11.

These items, because they focus on Skill damage, are worse than the old Night Crows items, because the Brooch and Claw give base status damage and damage reduction, not limited to just skills.

Source: Night Crows - Game

Passes | Taking advantage of the arrival of new items in Night Crows, the game decided to add 3 new passes that will reward these new items. The first is Gear Pass I, which will give you the old items, which are the brooch and the crow's claw, then there will be the Beak Circlet Pass and the Flight Feather Jewel Pass, which will bring the new items. Each pass costs 1200 diamonds and will have a total of 52 items, as these crow equipment are new it will take a while for the game to provide them for free, which is why I already got the two new passes.

Source: Night Crows - Game

The tip here is to separate 8 boxes of these passes to craft the equipment at +4 guaranteed. This way you don't depend on being lucky to get +4 enchanting items.

⭐ New Skills! ⭐

Source: Night Crows - Game

Skills | All classes in the game received a new craftable skill, which in general are very good and help your character when farming, in other words, they are damage skills. To craft the skill you will need 40 Source of Growth, remembering that in Clemens' Invitation you already get 10, you need 20 morion and 250 thousand gold.

Source: Night Crows - Game

Skills | In addition to the skill, the game also brought the option to upgrade it, but it costs a little more resources. There are 60 Source of Growth, 30 Morion and 300 thousand gold, and in general the difference is that it increases the skill's damage a little more.

🔔 Gameplay Updates 🔔

Source: Night Crows - Game

Party Board 📋| In addition to event, item and skill updates, we also had some changes to the game's gameplay. The first of these was the addition of a Party Board, which allows players to now create teams to carry out activities within the game. This makes it much faster, because before I needed to send a message globally to form a team for anything.

Source: Night Crows - Game

You can find the teams by going to the Party formation, there the PTs will appear looking for members. You can also create your own team by going to the Post Recruit Notice below. in it you select the recruitment category, add a small introduction and you can now confirm and create the invitation.

Source: Night Crows - Game

Daily Quest ❓| Now in daily quests, at the bottom of the screen playing in sequence, you have the option "Included in the Agenda" added in this update. When you select this option, the previously defined schedule will automatically continue after completing all accepted daily campaigns. Helping a lot to make the game more automated, allowing more time to do other things while progressing in the game.

O Jogo NFT Night Crows, criado pela Wemade, teve uma grande atualização que trouxe a terceira semana do evento de celebração de 100 dias, dois novos items de Night Crows, novas skills para todas as classes do jogo e alguns updates de gameplay como uma Party Board e Daily Quest agora na Agenda.

Venha e descubra tudo sobre essa atualização do Night Crows!

Fico agradecido se vocĂȘ upder dar um Upvote, Reblogs ou algum Tips ( PIZZA 🍕, PGM 🎼, LOLZ 😆, ALIVE ❀, etc ). Obrigado e boa leitura! 🍀


🎉 Evento de Celebração de 100 Dias - Semana 3 🎉

Source: Night Crows - Game

Terceiro Convite de Clemens 📹 | O jogo foi bem generoso com esse Terceiro Convite de Clemens, porque estĂĄ oferecendo para os Jogadores de Night Crows de forma gratuita, 15 tokens de ascensĂŁo, que sĂŁo os tokens necessĂĄrios para vocĂȘ ascender a sua classe e um dos requisitos para transformar o seu personagem em NFT.

Além do Token de ascensão, o jogo também estå dando 5x Guild Orders Extras no terceiro dia, 5x Morions e 10x Source of Growth no total.

Source: Night Crows - Game

RuĂ­na de Sancona x2 ✹| O Segundo evento que veio foi um buff de XP na RuĂ­nas de Sancona, em que a quantidade que vocĂȘ ganha de XP Ă© dobrada durante o perĂ­odo do evento. EntĂŁo, se vocĂȘ guardou as suas pots de XP para usar, agora Ă© o momento, jĂĄ que Sancona Ă© um dos mapas que dĂĄ a maior quantidade de XP do jogo. AlĂ©m dele, tem Tronetel, mas lĂĄ os monstros sĂŁo muito mais fortes.

Source: Night Crows - Game

Guild Order 99 ⚔| O evento de Guild Order 99 Ă© um dos eventos do Night Crows que nĂŁo deviam acabar nunca. Nele em vez de vocĂȘ precisar matar 800 monstros na melhor Order, vocĂȘ sĂł precisa derrotar 99, mas o grande diferencial Ă© que ao completar a quest vocĂȘ ganha 500 Guild Coins. Isso significa que por dia, como tem 5 Orders, vocĂȘ ganha 2,5 mil Guild Coins, ajudando muito Ă  acumular a quantidade necessĂĄria para pegar as skills na Loja da Guilda.

đŸ„‹ 2x Night Crows Gear 📿

Source: Night Crows - Game

Night Crows Gear | Nessa atualização dois novos items do corvo foram adicionados ao Night Crows. Esses items são uns dos mais fortes do game, porque garantem bons status. O primeiro item novo é o Night Crows Beak Circlet, que no +4 garante 8 de ACC e 11 de Skill damage. Jå o segundo item no +4, o Night Crows Flight Feather Jewel garante Defesa 8 e Skill damage Reduction 11.

Esses items por focarem em Skill damage são piores que os items de Night Crows antigos, porque o Broche e a garra dão status base de dano e redução de dano, não se limitando à apenas as skills.

Source: Night Crows - Game

Passes | Aproveitando a chega dos novos item no Night Crows, o jogo resolveu adicionar 3 novos passes que vão ter como recompensas esses novos items. O primeiro é o Gear Pass I, que vai dar os items antigos, que são o broche e a garra do corvo, depois vai ter o Beak Circlet Pass e o Flight Feather Jewel Pass, que vão trazer os novos items. Cada passe custa 1200 diamantes e terå um total de 52 items, como esses equipamentos do corvo são novos deve demorar um tempo até o jogo fornecer de forma gratuita, foi até por isso que eu jå peguei os dois passes novos.

Source: Night Crows - Game

A dica aqui Ă© separar 8 caixas desses passes para craftar o equipamento no +4 garantido. Assim vocĂȘ nĂŁo depende de ter sorte para conseguir o +4 encantando os items.

⭐ New Skills! ⭐

Source: Night Crows - Game

Skills | Todas as classes do jogo receberam um nova Skill craftĂĄvel, que no geral sĂŁo muito boas e ajudam o seu personagem no farm, ou seja, sĂŁo skills de dano. Para craftar a skill vocĂȘ vai precisar de 40 Source of Growth, lembrando que no Convite de Clemens vocĂȘ jĂĄ ganha 10, precisa de 20 morion e 250 mil de gold.

Source: Night Crows - Game

Skills | Além da skill, o jogo também trouxe a opção de fazer o upgrade nela, só que custa um pouco mais de recursos. São 60 Source of Growth, 30 Morion e 300 mil gold, sendo que no geral a diferença é que aumentar um pouco mais o dano da skill.

🔔 Gameplay Updates 🔔

Source: Night Crows - Game

Party Board 📋| AlĂ©m dos Updates de eventos, items e skills, tivemos tambĂ©m algumas mudanças na gameplay do jogo. A primeira delas foi a adição de um Party Board, que permite que os jogadores agora criem equipes para fazer as atividades dentro do jogo. Isso agiliza muito, porque antes precisava mandar mensagem no global para formar equipe para qualquer coisa.

Source: Night Crows - Game

VocĂȘ consegue encontrar as equipes indo na formação de Party, lĂĄ vai aparecer as PTs procurando membros. VocĂȘ tambĂ©m pode criar a sua prĂłpria equipe indo no Post Recruit Notice que fica ogo abaixo. nele vocĂȘ seleciona a categoria do recrutamento, adicona uma pequena introdução e pronto jĂĄ pode confirmar e criar o convite.

Source: Night Crows - Game

Daily Quest ❓| Agora nas quests diĂĄrias, na parte de baixo da tela em reprodução em sequĂšncai, vocĂȘ tem a opção de "Incluso na Agenda" adiconada nessa atualização. Quando vocĂȘ selecionar essa opção, a agenda definida previamente irĂĄ prosseguir automaticamente apĂłs concluir todas as campanhas diĂĄrias aceitas. Ajudando muito a deixar o jogo mais automatizado, permitindo mais tempo para fazer outras coisas, enquanto progredi no jogo.

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Thank you for reading. See ya! 👋👋

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I've heard some awesome stuffs about this game but haven't tried it out myself am just afraid of starting out somewhere inside the game,


It's a Free to Play game so you can try it. If you like the game you keep playing... It has a lot of automated stuff so even if you don't have much time to play you can let it auto hunt the mobs.
