Stay Away From Money Losing Habits

Sometimes we do things that seem good, but we lose money because of that. Do you like to lose your money? I don't think so. No one wants to lose their hard-earned money. Because of some money-losing habits, you cannot resist and do the same thing over and over.

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You see people are making a lot of money in the stock market. It is exciting and you also want to make money. You just buy stock and then sell it later. You will make money. It's that simple. You think If you just know which stock to buy, you are good to go.

People whom you think are going better in the stock market, you start asking them which stock to buy. And you just buy stock and then sell it. Sometimes you make some money and sometimes you lose a lot of money. You rely on others to take any action in the stock market.

Even if you make some money in that way, that's not a good habit. You don't know why you are buying a stock and why you are selling it. You have to learn the basics first. Learning about technical analysis and fundamental analysis can help you to do trading and investing. You can analyze the stock of a company on your own before making any decision.

When you make financial decisions hearing something from somewhere, that habit is enough to destroy your wealth. You hear people become millionaires investing in cryptocurrency. If you have a habit of throwing your money without doing any research and analysis, you will do that in crypto. It can be the fastest way to lose your money.

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We are influenced by other people. Sometimes you do things only because you see other people are doing that. You do that and think if you are lucky, you will make a lot of money. Do you think people start gambling to lose money? Everyone who is gambling wishes to make a lot of money.

Once you get into gambling, you are in a circle. You will find it hard to get out of that. Even though you make some money at the beginning, you will lose it all eventually. For example, you make money from gambling. Will you stop there? No, you will keep gambling to make more money, but the opposite will happen. If you lose money at the beginning of gambling, you want to recover the money that you lost. So you keep gambling. Instead of recovering your loss, you lose more.

If you have some money-losing habits, you should change your habits first. Otherwise, it can put you in a vulnerable position financially. In spite of making money, you may not see a change in your financial situation.

So what do you think? Please feel free to leave your comments. Thank you for reading this post. That's it for now. I'll be back with another post.

Image Sources: 1, and 2.

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, finance, martial arts, and digital marketing. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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0.04302433 BEE

Im trying hard to be better Rez. Paying off my debt is # 1. Buying some litecoin on the dip too, little at a time. No market trading for a while. Im on a time out lol.


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0.00108606 BEE

Credit: arthursiq5
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!

0E-8 BEE

I'm also trying to get better. I think the price will keep falling until it breaks the trend. It will give awesome shopping opportunities with a huge discount. lol...

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0.00003035 BEE

I agree. The best way to earn money is to prevent losses as it's harder to get back to the starting point after you lose money.

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0.00109327 BEE

This bear market teaches us very well how important it is to save capital. No matter how much money someone makes if he gives it all to the market, he will have nothing left when he needs that.

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0E-8 BEE

You are right, without the knowledge of technical analysis some trade will end up in loss.
Thanks for sharing

0.00106907 BEE

By doing technical analysis, you can define your entry and exit point. If it goes against your direction, you can exit the market and save your capital.

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