revise.spk node overview 12 September 2022


I've been running my spknode for a few months now and things are going pretty well I'd say...

Screenshot 20220911 at 16.17.49.png

  • Delegated Larynx (to me) = 464K
  • Total Locked Larynx (personal funds) = 93K
  • 6th largest delegatee.

I'm not sure where I rank for combined personal and delegated larynx and the spk monitor tool doesn't have a 'total' column.

Running smoothly...

For the most part the last couple of months have been smooth going - I've had to come offline and update the node twice but on both occasions it has re-booted itself with no problems at all so hats off to the updating Devs.

Price of Larynx...

Current buy and sells are...

  • Buy = 0.025 Hive
  • Sell = 0.029 Hive

There were quite a few sells that went through a few weeks ago at 0.04 so I think there's a lot of potential for price increases going forwards, although that all depends on what happens with the unclaimed larynx.

Delegate your Larynx to earn SPK tokens!

If you would like to delegate your Larynx tokens to my node (or someone else's) you can find out how to do so here by reading this post.)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
