My name is István, and i live in Slovakia. I am 18 years old and studying Economics and marketing. I believe I am a creative person with a lot of motivation ...
Fans || Photography / Macro | Loving Nature | Traveling | Love Writing & Reading
0.01129362 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000096 BEE
Werner Schmid
Lifestyle - Mindset - Coach -Tourmanagement - Management 🤟🤙😎☕️😍👍 So vielseitig mein Leben ist, so vielseitig ist auch mein Blog auf HIVE! Hier bekommt immer wieder Einblick aus meinem Leben. Von meinen Reisen und darüber hinaus, wie Du Schritt für Schritt dein Leben positiv bereichern kann. Let's have more fun in life :-) Travel with cool people around the world to work together on the best beaches and places around the world. Enjoy your life. Greets @schmidi
153.66474164 BEE
Vote Value
0.01305575 BEE
49.46304833 BEE
Vote Value
0.00420251 BEE
Option 2.0
encouraging networking, collaboration & visibility of the civil society in Vienna and beyond
0.00319782 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000027 BEE
200 BEE
Vote Value
0.01699251 BEE
Man on a Mission
Former Steemit and Hive citizen - covering mainly Music topics as well as marketing, blockchain, gaming, sports and photography content.
0.03421785 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000291 BEE
Crypto blogger club
Community account of the crypto blogger club in Vienna organised by @manncpt.🐝☕️
0.01181645 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000100 BEE
Michael Bittner
I believe in the power of Storytelling and it's power to rewrite a brand, societies and personal life-stories. It's more than a technique. Storytelling is an emotional journey – appealing to our wants, needs and desires – while at the same time showing us solutions and possibilities. My stories to share: Storytelling in general, in business, in photography and motion pictures ('cause motion creates emotion), mindset, health, and in political/social/cultural behaviours and structures.
4.12140364 BEE
Vote Value
0.00035016 BEE
Jn @marteau
Does not fight. Not with vulnerable people, not with unarmed civilians, not with any human being. — Meditating @thechamber. Gardening @thetemple. — Working with Law Enforcement Ordrer @psyops - Management of @globalschool @universities @gov-as-a-service @rgpd @interoperability @frameworks @ideamachine — Also @hivebookme @hiveagency @hiveembassy ++
2.12316423 BEE
Vote Value
0.00018039 BEE
0.30664635 BEE
Vote Value
0.00002605 BEE
Love Sniper
OCD's Introduction Post Curation Initiative This is OCD's effort to give love to new users to hopefully retain them in Hive.
0.09997064 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000849 BEE
Hey! Have ya met...?
Helping you find the newest arrivals on Hive so you don't have to search!
Vote Value
0.00000000 BEE
251.33417101 BEE
Vote Value
0.02135399 BEE
The Global School
Network learning, crypto, blockchain education, multicultural heritage, crowd intelligence & new media literacy powered by @jnmarteau
1.45556445 BEE
Vote Value
0.00012367 BEE