The Balance in Life that must be struck


The idea that men must be uncaring rocks is a stupid one. It's promoted by "top G" himself, Andrew Tate and people like him. The idea that men must go full stoicism and have no feelings, ever. If men were to have any feeling at all they would be pussies!

Thankfully as much as Andrew Tate is liked, he is also similarly disliked by many. That what he teaches young boys is an idealist fantasy; that most aren't going to make it, or even rise to the top like he has. Rising to the top like him then you must be dedicated, motivated, learned, and disciplined.

Something men on the whole aren't at all these days.

Sure his messaging about meditation, stoicism, and rising to the top are good ones for those that want to be winners. I mean part of what he tells you is rising to the top will hurt, and there's going to be much pain involved, as well as sacrifice. This I find to be true, a journey and lesson I've taken (and am still taking) on my own.

But what a lot of these male influencers miss out on is that men have a soft side. Maybe not so much when they are in their 20's and full of aggression, but very much so when they become fathers and go from being the aggressor to the protector. It's quite the transition and one that a lot of men struggle with (including me).

Nothing quite prepares you for walking to school and seeing dads that are built like the Terminator, tattooed up to the eyeballs carrying their daughters fluffy frilly back pack and my little pony scooter.

This was me too. I went from calling my mates a bunch of poofs because they dared to wear pink as a colour for their shirts, to full blown letting my kid paint my nails and taking him and his teddies a walk in his pink pram down the park. I think my Son's favourite colour as a kid was pink.

Kids really make you see life differently. You go from basically thrusting your hips and screaming at the world that you are here, hear you roar, to being last in place to the family with needs but first in place when trouble strikes. You become a caregiver. It's quite the different role.

I mean we can still be committed to work and power home the ideas and business, but the mind changes. The ideas change, well at least for me they did. You go from imagining yourself with Lamborghini's and Tesla's and grabbing lots and lots of women by the pussy to only wanting your son to have a happy life after you're gone. That's it.

And that's the balance. Men feel too. And perhaps we don't really start feeling until we're a bit older and learn to understand how we feel about stuff. This was my journey, I expect it's been many men's journey too that are as old or older. Thinking and feeling after it's too late to stop and smell the roses. That there's a softer side to life that you can appreciate without going too crazy soft.

But again, life is about balance. I'm not too sure that men should cry more or expose their feelings more like some people keep telling us. I mean stoicism is a good thing for men, sometimes the best thing for when we go through hard times. Everyone flocks around women when they struggle, no-one cares when men do (unless it's family).

And that's why I say life is a balance! Know that you are soft but also hard too!
