


I never believed in love at first sight because I thought everything about love at first sight is nothing but a sham but when I became a victim of it, I realized that finding love at first sight was very much possible but working hard to get that love was where the work is...

This particular phase of my life is something I don't want to ever forget and its a memory I really cherish and that is why I decided to lock up that beautiful memory inside my memory box because it is very special and I dont want forget about her yet because she is my one true first love...



I was in junior high school 2(jss2) and she was in junior high school 3(jss3), oh yeah she was my immediate senior in class and I am sure she is older than me in age but what is age in presence of love...

Our first encounter was when she and I had a quarrel over my duties as a time keeper and she as an assembly prefect, I will say out of all the prefects in my school, she is the most dedicated to her tasks and duties while the others where just doing as they please but her attitude spoke more of her than her actions because prior to our encounter, I have heard several talks about how strict and unfriendly she was but I wasn't a softie too back then and I wished we never encounter each other because I won't back down for her but it was vice versa when we met lol ...




Three weeks after school resumption I had an issue with my parents at home and because of that I was delayed by my parent and that made me go to school very late and back then I was the TIME KEEPER and on no occasion would anyone jingle the bell if I am not around because that is the amount power I hold but unfortunately for me in my absence, my assistant was also absent and as I was walking majestically to school thinking the assembly is on, a friend of mine told me that the assembly prefect is blowing up in anger because the bell hasn't been rung at 30 minutes past 8 in the morning, upon hearing this I dashed into my class and jingled the bell, thinking everything is back to normal lol, I never knew I was in for a longer day...

Immediately the assembly was concluded, we all marched into the class and I rung the bell for first period, she came in rushing at me with a very serious voice and I looked up and saw her fuming in anger, instead of me apologizing or talking back at her, I couldn't do anything because she was my senior and it is against the rules for a junior to talk back at his senior, I could have said something because I never cared about those rules but for unknown reason, I didn't talk and I was looking directly at her lips and long black hair touching her shoulders, I never saw her angry face but I saw her beautiful face that time and after she finished speaking, I said I am sorry and it won't happen again and she said sorry for yourself...

I went back into the class smiling from mouth to ears lol and the whole thing was just ringing in my head and I was smiling like a crazy boy, class ended that day but I ended up going to her class about three times before the end of the day and I made sure we had eye contact because she has literally caught my attention...


The next day I came to school very early before her and at exactly 8:00 am I rung the bell and she entered the school premises and I ran to her and smiled at her and said senior blessing good morning, she replied me and went to her duty post, I went to her class to apologize later on that I was sorry for yesterday and that was how we ended up on a good note...

From there I started making all sort of excuses to go to her class all in the pretense of seeing my friends in her class but I was actually going to have a glimpse of her, I realized we weren't closer and I started making friends with her friends because I was closer to them than her, from there we started talking a bit but not too my liking until an opportunity presented itself when we were combined for a particular class...

They came to my class to join us for a combined subject but there was no space left for her and her friends, her friends squeezed in but she was looking lost until I helped her lol, the me who was crushing on her found her a seat beside me and from there I helped her with previous notes and I offered to help her complete her note because she was far behind, that was how our friendship started, I took her notebook home and wrote everything for her lol, the foolish me even did her assignment for her because I was deeply crushing on her and the next day I submitted it to her and she smiled at me and said; thank you seyi, I almost ran crazy because she laughed so beautifully that I wanted to know her more...


Since that day we became more closer and now we are now more of talking terms than her friends, I was now opportune to go to her class whenever she is less busy, I don't like seeing her dull, I make sure she smiles whenever I am around with my silly jokes and remarks, her friends caught on quickly that I was crushing on her because I was always at her beck and call and funny enough she now reciprocate what I was doing too by helping me with notes and drawings too...

It got to a point the whole class thought we were dating because whenever I was missing in class, you will surely find me in her class reading or sleeping next too her, it got so tense that she told me to stop coming to her class constantly because she is starting to hear stuffs which I was less concerned about because I truly like her and always want to be around her but it was obvious she wants it to be kept clean...

I did what she wanted but I never stopped making moves on her, I started doing extra lesson just because of her and slowly our bond became stronger that it now looks like I was under a spell lol, we were now besties literally...


I had already fallen for her but I wasn't sure if she saw me that way and I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had over my one sided crush, so i kept it to myself while I cherish and admire every little time I spent with her in my own building and the next section she moved to another building because she was now in SS1 and I was in JSS3, I was in junior high school and she was now in senior high school which is located in another building in the next three streets, we were literally separated for a whole year but I still made sure I see her every day because she has stolen my heart before she left, I could not wait to graduate into high school but in no time we ended up in the same building again and continued from where we left off...



I became interested in her the very first time we had an encounter, I was drawn to her by her long black full hair at first, her neatness and smell(she smelt nicely) also attracted me to her, her walking steps was just divine that I always loved walking at her back and after seeing her from afar smiling beautifully, I realized that she was truly the one, thinking that was the end, I got to see her personality and nature when we became closer and I got more interested in her as time goes on but it was so painful that I could only compliment her but couldn't take it further more than best friends...



It never started between us in the first place but along the way I am sure she knew I was head over heels in love with her but she does not want to be called out for being in a relationship with her junior, her reputation was clearly at stake and I understood perfectly but that made me love her more than ever and I will say she is literally the first I went out of my ways to please because she deserved it and earned it well...

In summary, I chose to keep my feelings and love to myself, many people knew I was in love with her but she herself doesn't want it to be that way and if I had confessed my love to her, I might have lost the chance of being best friends with her which I don't want, I cherish what we had the and didn't want to loose it at all cost even if I have to be her friend throughout high school ...

In conclusion, I never regretted falling for her and till today I will say it with my full chest that, she is still my first love and nothing can change that....


Now we both are at the far end of the world separated by unimaginable distance and I will forever cherish all our good times together till we meet again...

0.45023613 BEE

Loverboy, hehe

0E-8 BEE

Dey play

0E-8 BEE

Awwwwwwwn silent crusher..
I enjoyed reading this, but I hoped you had the courage to tell her, who know you might end up well even from a distance..
Nice one bruhπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

0E-8 BEE

Heheh naaaah lol, I didn't oh lol

0E-8 BEE

πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„it's alright..I understand that feeling shall

0E-8 BEE

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 140 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

0E-8 BEE

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