

The sentence I am sorry is one of the simplest and fastest sentence one can voice out when having a disagreement or misunderstanding with someone and everything gets settled right there and at that same point in time when it is been said...

In as much as it is the simplest sentence, it is also one of the hardest sentence in some cases, especially to those who have never thought of apologizing to someone they have wronged, they dwell on the fact that they are too big to apologize for their mistakes and they expect the other party involved to come to them first and say sorry whereas it is something that is expected of them based on the fact that they are at fault...

I have come across a lot of people in number of years I have lived here on earth and when it comes to apologizing or saying I am sorry, some people find those words very hard to say even when they are the ones who need to apologize in that situation, they feel like saying I am sorry to the person they have wronged is a sign of them being weak which is not so, it makes you more respected by others...


If there is one thing I have learnt in life as a person, it is the fact that one should never be too rigid when it comes to being apologetic either as the wronged person or the person who should be apologized to because there are times where we just have to act high and mighty by letting things go for the sake of having peace and harmony...

It is never easy but for the sake of peace and harmony to exist between the involved party, we need to make it easy by saying sorry first...

I have been in a lot of cases where situations compel me to apologize to someone who wronged me just because I wanted peace to reign between us and for us to not have any form of bad blood or enmity between us both then and in the future...


I was never born that way but I thought myself to be humble and submissive when the need arises and whenever I do that, I get more respect from those around me because they feel like apologizing to someone who wronged you is a noble and respectful act...

Sorry is a just a five letter word but when it is being said with sincerity and remorse, it can melts the strongest heart into being forgiving and soft, that is the extent of how much sorry can repair things...

Saying sorry is the best way to put an end to rough relationships, it won't cost a dime to apologize to someone, it just takes you one word and sincerity to maintain or prevent a broken relationship then you are good to go...


We need to inculcate the habit learning how to apologize even in situations where are the ones being wronged by others, if not for yourself do it for the sake of maintaining peace and happiness in that particular environment...


I have been in different situations and encounters with different set of people and as someone who is very quick to anger, I find it very hard to apologize sometimes when I hurt my friends or any other person with my words in an heated argument with another party...

I am a very stubborn and wild person and at the same time I can be very calm depending on the situation but when I get violent in some cases, nobody can stop me from speaking out my mind at that moment in time because if I don't say it at that moment I won't be able to live well with myself, I might probably apologize later but that moment I am going to loose it all to that person...

When I am angry, I don't care who you are, I won't apologize to you for anything but when I calm down, I tend have a replay of what happened in the past and when I see how bad I treated such person, I go that person and try to explain myself to him or her letting them know it was never my intention to hurt them and I end up apologizing at end to prevent bitterness and bad blood...


There are cases where I act noble by apologizing in situation where I am the victim just because I want peace to reign and there are time I stick to my decision of never apologizing to that person since I am the victim there but after some days, I automatically forget it and draw the person closer again and let the person know I was pained and offended by his previous actions and we end up settling the issue amicably...

All this depends on my mood and the situation I find myself in, there are time where I refuse to apologize directly when I am wrong but I use other means as an approach because I don't want to be seen as a weakling after bragging of never apologizing lol but the more I grow up, I came to understand that it is very good to own up to ones mistake and means saying I am sorry when I am wrong and that was how I started training myself and now I am very good at apologizing for whatever I do wrong either as a victim or the victimized...

In summary, saying sorry goes a long way in maintaining a broken relationship, it also prevents relationships from breaking up completely and that too by saying it in a very sincere manner and way...


There are some people who will just apologize for the sake of apologizing, in that case it is obvious that such apology is fake or it is being forced on that person, you can just choose to overlook that kind of immature or childish act for the sake of peace...

In conclusion, apologizing and owning up to ones mistake is a very beautiful and noble act to do and saying I am sorry in a situation where you are either the guilty or the innocent doesn't mean you are a weakling, it shows how much of a beautiful, disciplined and noble person you are and for that you earn more respect for such outstanding act and that is the beauty of saying I am sorry even as the wronged party...




Nice post many people when asked will say that saying sorry is one of the hardest things to do....
If I can remember, sorry is one of the magic words in the words which has the capability to ease an angered heart and amend broken relationships too...

I like the fact where you said that it apologizing doesn't mean you're a weakling because that's always the excuse everyone gives...

Nice one dear😊


Indeed my dear thanks for leaving such a thoughtful feedback...


everything gets settled right there and at that same point in time

Exactly... With ease.
Indeed it pays to bend the knee sometimes just for the sake of peace to reign... It is better than bad bloods flowing everywhere.

Indeed, it a never a sign of weakling like you said... If speaks volume of how we love peace and also of how we value the relationship or friendship as the case may be
