

Practice make perfection is a famous saying we all know about, and today i think this is the right phrase I need to use for what I am about talk on. It’s been seventeen months since I joined the hive blockchain as a newbie, and in these couple of months, would it sound strange to you if I still tell you I am still a newbie on the hive blockchain?, i have my reasons for saying this…

Ever since I joined the hive blockchain, finance related posts has always been my achilles heels as a writer, the fact is pretty simple here, I know how to write finance related posts but I am not totally good at it because I don’t really know how to go about it, it got to a point where I was forced to overcome this so called challenge of mine and started writing on finance related post until I got a bit better…

Not writing on finance related posts made me a stranger to everything about the Leofinance community, I wasn’t a lover of finance related posts so I decided to stay away from all the activities going on in the Leofinance community until few days ago when I joined the zealy campaign outreach…

I knew little of everything going on in the Leofinance community and it got to a point where I started feeling guilty and ashamed of myself as a writer, I knew nothing about the community and was always running away from any contest or quests organized by the community, I was a total stranger to every little update and improvement in the community, I couldn’t even navigate the Leofinance front-end properly not to talk more of making a simple thread, this became a big problem for me because I couldn’t even assist my friends or join them in any challenge relating to thread making…

This has been a pain in my heart for weeks and then the zealy campaign came up to save the day, I had to utilize this opportunity to the fullest by taking part in the campaign, and that was how things started looking different for me as a writer as I started getting to know some few things about the Leofinance community and threading…

The last three days has been a back to back investigation on things i need to know about the Leofinance team and community, I have been spending almost half of my day on this zearly quests to get what i want and thanks to these quests, I have been working on the leofinance thread back to back and I am starting to know how it works…

I knew nothing about thread making some moths ago but today, I am slowly learning how to make threads using the Leofinance front end and also engaging with other threads I find interesting and helpful…

The last three days has been so interesting and enlightening thanks to the zealy campaign quests, I am starting to enjoy everything about the Leofinance community, I have decided to stick around even after the end of this campaign, so that I can get more information about the modules operandi of the community…


Starting from the tiniest bit of things I need to know about, things like threading down to the LPUD, I have never participated in the LPUD and that is because I know little about it but i think the best time to learn about the LPUD is now, which is why i have decided to work with @merit.ahama, @hopestylist and @princessbusayo on everything I need to know about the Leofinance community, these are the few people I know I can run to in this type of situation…

It is high time I become a active LION in the Leo verse(I have been looking for a way to use this word since hehe), I am ready to give this journey a go and since I have decided to join the ongoing zealy campaign, I might as well learn more about the Leofinance community…

In summary, I am enjoying the ongoing zealy campaign and I think it is a beautiful and well cooked up initiative to promote the hive blockchain, I am still sticking around with my daily quests and this time, it is for better till the end Ahahaha…

In conclusion, I just had to share this new update with you all as I am enjoying the thread quests and i am sure to improve more before the end of this campaign, I am not rushing things because I have decided to slowly enjoy the scope of threading until I am better at it, then I can move to other areas of what I need to know about the Leoverse…

NB : if there a wrong use of word in my post, please correct me, this is a newbie mistake and I am ready to learn…



Hehehe. I could remember when we were still having this Hive naija weekly hangout here then and we were told to make a thread with our contribution to a topic proposed. I tried explaining to you then on how to use thread but you weren't ready. I guess something has forced you to come enjoy this community now 😃
Glad you are enjoying threading and I am always available to attend to your questions regarding Leofinance and Lpud. Good luck to you, Fox.


Thanks dearie, I will find you when it’s time to talk about LPUD, for now I wanna enjoy threading hehe 😉


You have said all

It can only get better with practice

As a writer, no matter what niche you are writing on, for you to be a better writer, you must write everyday - continuous practice

I am glad you are back and I love the fact that you are enjoying the thread quest, the most important of them all is that, you are working/walking at your own pace

Keep being amazing


Ahaha, my runaway baby, sha be turning up and off like ghost lol, I have accepted that you are now nepa lol, anytime I see you, I see you lol..

Well you have said it all edy, slow and steady wins the race, I am happy I have a reason to hang unto the community even after the conclusion of the campaign lol, thanks for stopping by dear and it feels so good to hear from you, trust you are doing okay, imma gonna root for you out here okay…


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 173 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Good for you! You grab those opportunities and run with them. Looking forward watching you grow!
