

The important of goal setting and its end result has been overlooked and underestimated since the beginning of time, some of the people out there failed in life because of their inability to set achievable goals, i have heard several lamé reasons as to why many people out there refuse to set goals for themselves, and the most common reason for it is because of the fear of not achieving that set goals and targets before the set time…

My growth on the hive blockchain in the last 24 months is an evidence of goal setting, I joined the hive blockchain 24 months ago with literally nothing except for my strong will and determination to achieve what others could not achieve in their time…

There is a thin line between setting goals and setting achievable goals, you need to identify the thin line beforehand if you want to make progress in your set goals. I didn’t just wake up one day and start setting goals, I started small and observe my growth and progress within that period of time, at the end of the day I realized my growth and progress was massive thanks to that challenge…

I have come to understand one thing about goal setting, I realize i work very hard and fully focused whenever i set myself up with achievable goals, like setting goals keeps me focused, serious, motivated, determined, and motivated at all times, and that is why i never take my goal setting quality for granted…

Train yourself up with small goals and monitor your level of progress within that time, i bet you are gonna love it more when you set smaller achievable goals…

Well, that is just the trick to achieving one’s goals, so without further ado, let’s dive deeper into what i have for you all today on my hive goals…

        MY HIVE GOALS…

I have envisioned myself in great places since i came to understand how the hive blockchain works, I joined here virtually with nothing other than 100 delegated HP, and because of my ability to set achievable goals for myself, I bagged my one thousand hive power goal before my four month on the hive blockchain thanks to consistency and dedication…

Each year i set an achievable hive goals for myself to keep my mind focused and centered throughout the year, this gives me a sense of responsibility and direction at all times, but this year i haven’t been able to set my hive goals because of my past inactivity on the blockchain…

Guess what friends, now i have made a new list of hive goals, but before i list them out, i want you all to understand the motive behind my hive goals. My goal is to be able to help and encourage every newbie with my hive power, i want to help them grow on the hive blockchain because that is what will keep them afloat in hard times…


  • 10,000 HIVE POWER…
  • 1000 BRO TOKEN…
  • 1000 LEGION TOKEN…
  • 1000 LIQUID HIVE…

The above listed are my current hive goals, i have been working towards achieving these goals since i came back fully last month, i have decided to focus my goals on accumulating these two layer two tokens (BRO and legion) coupled with a reasonable amount of hive power…

I have calculated the time required to achieve these goals of mine and i realize bagging my hive power goals (10,000 hp) won’t take me anything less than 18 months. I am trying to achieve it in 1 year because I believe in my consistency and steadiness, i have done it in the past and I believe i can make it happen again…

I have about 3100 hp right now, which means i need 6900 hp more to bag this goal of mine, it is a work in progress…

Regarding my bro and legion token goals, due to the price of hive at the moment, I believe I should be able to bag 1000 of them each on or before fhe next 4 years(my sixth year hiversary), but if hive gets to 1$ before then, it means I should be able to achieve them on or before 2 years. I have 156 bro tokens and 200 plus legion tokens at the moment, I should be able to get the remaining tokens on or before 4 years, depending on the rate of hive…

My last hive goal is almost achieved, out of 1000 liquid hive, i have about 670 liquid hive at the moment, and I believe in the next couple of months i will be having a thousand liquid hive in the bag…

In summary, my mind is made up already. I have started working on my goals and guess what i am seeing the results of my hard work and consistency , I just need to keep working and more focused on the task at hand…

In conclusion, i love setting achievable goals for myself, I don’t underestimate my capabilities, I challenge myself to do better and achieve something bigger, i will be here sooner than expected to share my bagged goals testimony with you all…

Whenever i reach my hive goals, i will be adding a lot of quality content creators to my auto votes and also vote many random quality contents on hive to encourage them to do more in the future….

This is my entry to the IU contest titled My hive goals, this week’s edition is almost over but you can join us again next week…



This post has been manually curated by @pravesh0 from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.


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