Yes, projects evolve over time and sometimes become unfavorable.
Such as splinterlands punishing its alpha players. (I only really thrived in "Wild" mode but that's no longer a…
I'm selling what I am no longer interested in. Most of those funds will be recycled and injected into my favorite projects that I am more actively interested and involved in. I'm…
I used to read a lot before the illusion of having no time set in...
Before we had home internet, I would regularly go to the library and spend a lot of time there. Especially…
Really they all just need bigger pots. I managed to do one today!
And yes, maybe that's why Pilea is called friendship plant. Because you have so many offshoots and in order to…
Are some of the other ones you didn't mention Pilea?
All of my houseplants are unhappy. There is still a long queue for the work that needs to be done on them. And sometimes…