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"With great power comes great responsibility." Was the phrase the head boy of the set before mine used during high school. This phrase was not new to us because we’ve all seen the Spider-Man movie where his uncle mentioned these exact words to him. It was Friday, and also the day before our exams. He was tasked to give an exiting speech and word of advice addressing us.

When he mounted the podium, he was quiet for about a minute. I could remember vividly, students almost booed him off the stage when he finally said something. If I recall correctly, he started by emphasizing how students of our generation, GenZ, are impatient and often fall into fraud due to the country's situation. Young students do not want to work, and even if they attempt working, they quit easily as they tend to compare themselves with others. He then decided to tell us a brief story.

Once upon a time in a peaceful village nestled between towering mountains, lived a young man named Oliver and an old priest named Alistair. Oliver was an aspiring artist seeking purpose and direction, while Alistair was a wise hermit who had spent a lifetime seeking wisdom.

One day, Oliver stumbled upon Alistair's humble abode during his wanderings. Intrigued by the old man's peaceful, calm, and wise nature, Oliver approached him and asked, "How can I find my true calling in life?"

Alistair, with a gentle smile, invited Oliver inside and began sharing his story. He explained how he once pursued material success but found emptiness within. It was only when he embraced simplicity, nature, and helping others that he discovered true fulfillment.

Inspired by Alistair's tale, Oliver decided to dedicate himself to both his art and serving his community. He began using his talent to create beautiful paintings that showcased the village's charm, selling them to support local charities.

Through this journey, Oliver learned the first moral lesson: True fulfillment comes from aligning your passions with the benefit of others.

One winter, a fierce snowstorm isolated the village. Alistair and Oliver, with their provisions running low, decided to share what little they had with their neighbors. They learned to cooperate and survive together, finding joy in unity.

From this experience, they both realized the second moral lesson: In unity and cooperation, even the harshest challenges can be overcome.

With time, Oliver's art gained recognition, and his paintings were sought after by art enthusiasts. Instead of becoming arrogant, he stayed humble and continued to help those in need, sharing his success with the community.

The final moral lesson emerged: Success should be accompanied by humility and a willingness to give back to society.

In the end, Oliver and Alistair's friendship and the lessons they shared became the heart of the village, leaving an indelible mark for generations to come, reminding them of the importance of purpose, unity, and humility.

As I stand here before you, reflecting on the wisdom imparted by the preceding head boy and the profound story shared, I am reminded that our journey as leaders begins with embracing responsibility and understanding the power we hold in shaping not only our lives but also the lives of those around us.

Just as Oliver found his purpose and direction through humility, service, and aligning his passion with the greater good, we too must strive to use our positions for the betterment of our school community and society at large. We should never forget the vital lessons of unity and cooperation, especially in the face of challenges. Together, we can overcome any adversity and create a harmonious environment where everyone thrives.

Let us carry these moral lessons with us as we step into the next phase of our lives. Let us be driven not only by personal success but by the desire to uplift others, staying humble and recognizing that our achievements are meaningful only when they positively impact the world around us.

Thank you, and may we all rise to the occasion, embodying the true essence of "With great power comes great responsibility.
Listening to these words, I was truly inspired. The call to use our influence for the greater good resonates deeply with me. It reinforces my belief in the potential we all possess to make a positive difference in the lives of others. I am motivated to carry these values forward and strive to be a responsible leader, just as our preceding head boy has urged us to be. Together, let us shape a future where compassion, purpose, and unity lead the way.
Thanks again if you stayed with me this far although just for anyone who’s interested I didn’t become the head boy, I was actually given Laboratory Prefect (LP) as I joined my mates in Senior Secondary School One. See yeah all soon.✌
