The moral responsibility of children

What is the essence of giving birth if we don't have someone beside us when we don't have energy to do anything anymore? Because family might get tired of taking care of us when we grow old and we can't do anything, but our children will never get tired of making sure we are alright.

Though children will also have their responsibilities to take care of, I am sure no matter how busy our children are, they will definitely make sure their old parents are being taken care of.

Well, the question says, "Is it fair for the young ones to be saddled with such responsibilities?" Well, my answer is "yes" because those old ones in question are the ones that gave us their time, money, and entire lifetime so that we could be where we are today, because if not for the parents, children can't come to this world to talk of becoming great in life.

Even though the Bible says, "Our parents are our heaven, and after God they are next," if the Holy Scripture should recognize them so much like that, it means they are worth every single thing we do for them. And we must take care of them when they have no power to do anything again, just like when we were little and couldn't do anything for ourselves; they are the ones doing everything for us.

The image is mine

I watched a program on TV some months ago (Your View). This same topic was discussed on the program, and one of the hosts said, and I quote, "It is not a child's responsibility to look after their parents; because you gave birth to them doesn't mean you are their responsibility, so every parent should fend for themselves." I couldn't watch the program finish because what the co-host said was out of line.

Image is mine

Imagine someone who has carried another human for nine months and the other person, who is the father, running up and down to take care of the child. They brought the child into the world and gave him everything he needed, and the child eventually becomes greater than his parents. Then those parents grow old and they can't run up and down again to take care of themselves. Isn't it the child's responsibility to take over and reciprocate the love his parents have given him?

Well, to me, I believe no matter how poor the young ones are, it is their responsibility to take care of their old ones, and I am sure no parent would want their children to do more than what they can afford for them, so the little the young ones can afford is enough for them because we all don't have any idea of what our parents went through to raise us.

No matter what, my parents will always be my responsibility. Regardless of my financial status, I will always make sure I take care of my parents in the best way I can because they have sacrificed too much for me to be where I am today.

The only parents who have no right to ask unless the children willingly help are those who refuse to take care of their children. That is my belief.


This lifestyle is what we grew up to meet and no matter what, we can't be pushed to leave it. Out of undying love, we are meant to cater for our parents, as a way of saying thank you for all they did


Yes of course taking care of them back is never a bad thing because if they had neglected us we wouldn't be where we are now


I totally agree with you dear, if we can't take care of our parents, then what is the essence of our being.


They had sacrificed all their life for us so it is our turn to take care of them and there is nothing wrong with that
