Screen addiction and its consequences

There is a saying that "too much of everything is bad" and there is no doubt about it because truly, it becomes a problem when we overdo things. Let's take food as an example, eating too much can make us very uncomfortable so no matter how good something is, we can experience the other side of the goodness when we overdo it.

Speaking of my screen time, I can't say I don't stay longer on my screen because it is not every day and every hour I always have customers in my shop. So whenever I am less busy with work I am always on my screen.

What did I always do with my screen? Well, it is either I am watching a movie or I am engaging online because that matters to me a lot. I am always attached to my screen to the extent that whenever I am on it, I don't hear anything going on around me again.

There was a time I was less busy at work so I thought of writing articles, but I wasn't inspired to write so I watched a movie instead. While I was watching, a thief came to the shop next to me and a phone was stolen from the owner of the shop while she was trying to take something inside her shop.


I didn't hear anything with my eyes wide open, so people that came to sympathize with the woman thought I was neglecting the incident, so one of them came to my shop and immediately she stepped in I regained myself from where my mind traveled to without leaving my shop.

She said, "This is a bad idea, how can I get carried away with a movie that much," well, I don't have any business with anyone so why not? But then I realized that what happened to that woman could happen to anyone including me.

So I apologize for not paying attention to the situation. Even after that, I haven't changed my bad attitude towards the screen because once I focus on it, leaving what I am doing is always difficult for me.

How much time do I spend on my screen? I can say I always spend almost all my day on my screen because if I don't work I am always on my phone, working or watching movies.

The only time I left my phone was when I started feeling sleepy or when my eyes felt heavy to look at the screen, then I knew I had done more than enough on the screen for the day. I have reading glasses but I don't like using so whenever my eyes stay too long on the screen it's always heavy, or itchy which is giving me a sign to stop looking at the screen for the day.

I don't have a specific method of how to regulate my screen time but once my eyes started itching I knew I couldn't continue whatever I was doing on the screen at least for some hours. But lately, I have noticed that I always experience itching at night because of the brightness of the screen even though I used eyecare on my phone.

So the only tip I can give people who want to reduce their screen time is to make sure they have a particular time they rest their eyes without looking at the screen, it could be in the afternoon or at night, giving eyes a rest doesn't mean someone should sleep, the person can just close eyes for some minutes or an hour before they continue what they are doing on their screen. With that am sure they wouldn't develop eye problems.


I always drop my phone often times even at times when I should be on it. This is because I am trying to train myself not to get too addicted and attached to it. At some point it do carry people away. Just like my sister. Haha. I most times feel like seizing the phone from her.


LoL 😂 too much of everything is bad o, well once my eyes start itching I don't have a choice but to put the phone down, or once am feeling sleepy better still when I have work to do in the shop. Aside from those three things, nothing can make me stay away from my screen.


I used to have itchy eyes some weeks ago, I didn't treat it though but I didn't not feel it anymore. It's not nice to allow ourselves get carried away completely by our phones, there are certain places where I don't operate my phone no matter what. But I understand with you, sometimes boredom won't let you .


Like seriously, I can't just leave the phone alone until my eyes start acting up


Oops, that's bad ma, you need to work on it


Too much of time on the screen could be problematic. Just like you said, too much of anything is bad. One needs to have a schedule of the time to spend on the screen. It will help to control spending too much time on it.


Yes I know too much of it is bad but I can't just let the screen be hehehe 😁


Yeah that nature alert by eyes! It's the time one must put the phone down for sure.


Yeah, you get it, and you know we can't cheat nature as well.


Dear i dont know why i always put my handsfree on and try not to listen anyone. I dont want to hear a single voice from outside. I dont know why i turned my behaviour into this, but i think i have to stop this. These are not considered a a good manners.
