DIY/ chandelier craft

I have said countless times in some of my articles that we don't need to throw things out just because we think we are done with it.

For example a bottle of beer, we might think after consuming the content in it the bottle is useless meanwhile it could be useful for a DIY craft.

If you check most of my DIY crafts they are mostly from recycled items because I see used items as something we can transform into another thing.

Today I made a chandelier with a carton, so it happens that my apartment was renovated and I kept some cartons of the rubber ties that were used on the floor because they would be useful for me to make different DIY crafts.

Materials are:

Brown gum
Razor blade

I am sure someone might be thinking what can I do perfectly with these little materials, but then let's see the outcome down there.

Step 1

I cut a rectangle shape from the carton, I cut sixteen pieces of the rectangle then set it aside.

Step 2

I cut another smaller rectangle and put them aside as well.
I fixed my stapler pins, and I folded the smaller rectangle shape then placed it at the tip of one of the big rectangle shapes and stapled it together.

Step 3

I placed another big rectangle at the tip of the second side of the small rectangle and stapled it as well until it formed a square shape and then set it aside.

The same process was applied to the rest of the rectangle shape until everything forms a square shape.

Step 4

I cut another rectangle shape into four pieces and then used it to stick all the square shapes together by stapling it at each edge of the square shape.

Step 5

I cut a big square shape in another carton and then placed it on top to cover it up then gum it with brown gum so that it wouldn't be shaking by the time I hung it.

I made use of a razor blade to draw a circle on the big square shape and then made use of a nail to push it inside to form a whole in between where I would pass my lamp wire.

Now my chandelier is ready to be used, there was no light by the time I finished making it so I waited for light in the night, so that I could capture the outcome perfectly.


It looks very nice and simple to make

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Que bueno es reciclar y ese candelabro o lámpara se ve genial...


Woww I love it, creativity at its peak
