Politician, entertainer, motivational speaker and publicist as an individualist & bon vivant on the go. Has combined work and life. Builder on the Internet.
Ich dachte, Du willst nicht diskutieren? Ich nämlich auch nicht.
Offenbar lebst Du ganz weit weg und bekommst die Veränderungen in dem Land zum Schlechteren nicht mit.
Success! @powerpaul(2/1) You mined .9 HBIT and the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. You can receive 100% of the HBIT by replying to one of your own posts or…
Achso, Du meinst der Attentäter war geistig krank? So krank wie alle Dschihadisten? JEDER Verbrecher ist geistig krank, kein Grund, die Ursache auf die Gesellschaft oder…
I suggest that you tag other Hive users on a comment instead, so that they won't get notified every time you update the post, and instead edit the comment only when you like to…
I wonder what you mean with don't ping around every few minutes/hours. 🤯 Do you mean that I should reply to your comments (and tip tokens) more slowly? 🤓
Here's some !PIZZA…